Chapter 11

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Denji was looking up at the ceiling while he was thinking back on what Izuku told him about relationships as he looked over to Aki.

Denji: "Hey Aki, mind if I ask you something?"

Aki: "What is it Denji?"

Denji: "Do you really know much about Ms Makima?"

That question from Denji took Aki off guard as he looked at Denji with a raised eyebrow.

Aki: "What makes you ask that?"

Denji: "Well, I've been thinking about something Izuku told me a while ago and it made me realize, I don't actually know much about Ms Makima in the first place. So, I figured you might know somethings about her since you've known her longer then me."

Aki took a moment to think over what Denji asked as he looked bsck and ultimately hit a bit of a roadblock.

Aki: "Actually, I don't know that much about Ms Makima myself Denji. The most I know about her is that she likes Burger King."

Denji: ". . . . . . Like, in a ironic manner?"

Aki: "No, she was very serious saying she likes Burger King."

Denji: "Oh."

Aki: "Yeah. My reaction to learning that was more or less the same as yours Denji."

Denji looked back up at the ceiling as he continued to think about his affection for Makima, as he was slowly being to realize that maybe there's a possibility it won't work out in the long run.


Izuku, Mordred, Rias and Akeno made it back home as they told the others all that went down with Issei earlier in the day.

Momo: "Sooo, turns out the whole time, Issei has had a kind of spilt personality that was calling the shots?"

Izuku: "Yeah."

Kyoka: "And said spilt personality/shadow double is now gone and he's good now?"

Rias: "Yeah, that's about it."

Rumi: "Well on the bright side, that's one less problem for us to worry about."

Mordred: "Yeah, that's true. One less possibility of a powerful maniac running around is definitely a positive."

Mordred walked to the kitchen to get something to eat while Izuku sat down on the couch as he laided his head against a pillow.

Mordred: "So, you guys know what happened to Iida after we left?"

Stella: "Oh, he got suspended for two weeks and Nezu threatened to downgrade him to General Studies if he ever does something like that again."

Izuku: "He really needs to learn to not let his mouth write checks he can't cash."

Kyoka: "And he really needs to get that stick out of his ass."

Momo: "Kyo, that would require a surgery to even happen in the first place."

Mordred: "Like that would ever happen, I think he actually likes having that stick up his ass because it's the only way he'll ever get any kind of action."

Everyone started laughing when a flash of light brighten the room as they saw a person appeared in the middle of the room.

Everyone started laughing when a flash of light brighten the room as they saw a person appeared in the middle of the room

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