Chapter 13

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The weekend came around as Izuku was sleeping in as the girls except Mordred were all out with the kids, leaving him and Mordred alone as Izuku woke up and saw it was 10 in the morning.

Izuku rubbed his eyes as he sat up, stretching his arms as he saw Mordred at the end of the bed, in her underwear as she turned around to look at him.

Izuku rubbed his eyes as he sat up, stretching his arms as he saw Mordred at the end of the bed, in her underwear as she turned around to look at him

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Mordred: "Morning, my handsome devil~'

Izuku: "Can't remember the last time you walked around the house in your underwear, Mordred."

Mordred just giggled as she got on top of Izuku and laid against his chest.

Mordred: "Well I have to be decent when the kids are around."

Izuku just laughed as he ran his hand through Mordred's hair and kissed her on the cheek.

Izuku: "God, I love your firey attitude Mordred."

Mordred: *giggles* "So you've told me, countless times."

Izuku: "Well, I can't help expressing my love for you all."

Izuku smiled as Mordred did too before they leaned closer to each other and kissed.

Izuku laid back as Mordred cupped Izuku's cheek while they kissed as she went to remove her bra, but a knock at the door cut their moment short as Izuku and Mordred put on robes and went downstairs to see who's at the door

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Izuku laid back as Mordred cupped Izuku's cheek while they kissed as she went to remove her bra, but a knock at the door cut their moment short as Izuku and Mordred put on robes and went downstairs to see who's at the door.

They arrived at the front door as Mordred looked through the peephole and saw Ibara Shiozaki at the door, prompting Mordred to open the door to let her in.

Mordred: "Sup Vines?"

Ibara: "Hello Mordred and Izuku, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

Izuku: "No, but if you're here to see the kids, you're out of luck. They're out with the girls."

Ibara: "Actually, I'm here because there's something I think you might need to know."

Hearing that peaked Izuku's curiosity as he let Ibara in as Mordred made her some tea and handed it to their guest.

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