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"Thank for coming here sir." The young boy bowed politely at the last customer, watching them walking out of the cafe. Turning the board from 'open' to 'closed'. He sighed out of exhaustion. Today was a whole busy day. One of his co-workers approach him. "Jungkook-ah, are you okay doing the closing shift alone? There's an emergency coming out at home. I need to go early." He asked him.

The boy nodded. "I'm fine, hyung. There's nothing much to clean up anyways. I'll manage." He smiled. "Well if that so, I will go now. I had done the dishes, so you don't need to do it. Bye. See you tomorrow."

Jungkook bid goodbye at him looking at the older's retreating figure. He sighed looking up.

They are going to beat me again for coming late.

Jungkook stepped into the house quietly trying to avoid his parent. But luck probably not with him. "Where were you??" He froze on my step hearing my father's voice. He turned back to see their angry face. "I ask where where you, brat!?" His father yelled. Jungkook flinched by the yell. "C-cafe, s-sir."


A familiar sting caught up his cheek. His mother slapped him. "Lie. You must be whoring around the street am I right? Such a slut." Jungkook wanted to protest but he can't because he's too weak and afraid. "Now where is our money." She asked. "I don't have-"

She slapped him again hard causing him to stumbled on the floor. "What do you mean you don't have it?" Jungkook tried to stop his tears from falling. He heard a metal clinking sound and looked up seeing his father holding a belt. "Looks like someone needs a good punishment huh."

"P-please- AHH!"

Jungkook curled up on the floor as he whipped him with the belt. His mother just looked at them in satisfaction. After half an hour of whipping he stopped. Jungkook was breathing heavily and his body was shaking from the pain. "Hope you learn something tonight." Both of the parents walked out leaving him there.

Jungkook just laid there unmoving. His whole body was in pain. Whole face was wet from tears. After a while, he tried to gather up his strength and slowly crawled up to his room. His room was just a small storage room with a small bathroom next to it. He went to the bathroom to clean himself. It doesn't have any bed so he only slept on an old cushioned mattress laid on the floor.

After changing himself, he slowly laid his aching body on the mattress trying not to hiss as it touch the bruises on his back. He pulled out a pendant necklace around his neck. He stared at it for a while lost in thought.

Jeon Jungkook, a 17 years old boy who lives with his step-parents. He had been told by them that he wasn't their biological child and was adopted by them. Jungkook never got any love from his step parents.

His step parents were abusive. At first they neglected him but ever since he was 8 years old, they started to hurt and hit him whenever he did something wrong but it had grown as a habit for them to beat him without reasons.

Jungkook stopped studying in middle school at the age of fourteen since his step parents forbid him from going saying that they don't have any money to a burden like him. The abuse goes on by forcing him to do the housework and cook. He was just like a slave to them, asking him to do every work on his own.

They never stop till Jungkook was fifteen, his step father would always come home late at night drunk and forced himself on the younger. Jungkook could still remembered how he was crying and begging for him to stop.

How his heart broke seeing a mother was looking at her husband raping their son, looking unbothered. Blood related or not. He felt like killing himself when his step father start to sell his body to the other men in return of some money.

They would beat him whenever he failed to satisfy them with his body. Jungkook's whole body was filled with disgusting bruises and wounds all over. Not a single part was wasted.

The next year when Jungkook was sixteen, he begged them to let him at least work to earn money. They let him and of course after a good long beatings. Finding a work was a challenge for him as he was still young and don't have any studies background. Until one day he stumbled upon a cafe named WWH Cafe. He tried applying for work and the manager was kind enough to let him work as the waiter there.

Every month, whenever Jungkook got his salary, his step parents would take it away from him to spend it on their own good. He sometimes sneaked a few of it for himself to buy some food or clothes. Jungkook was aware that he was dangerously skinny for his young age but it wasn't something he could control, when they never give him food other than just some leftovers.

Jungkook doesn't know how his biological parents looked like since he was adopted when he was only a two years old baby at the time. He didn't have any clear memory. He only had a necklace from them which surprisingly his step parents didn't throw it away.

The pendant was shaped like a bunny which he thought that represent him a lot by other people. The necklace was of course coming shorter as he grew up but he didn't care and keep wearing it. Now it looked almost like a choker to him as how short it is and Jungkook honestly just like it.

Every night, Jungkook would stare and kissed it before asleep and praying that his biological parents are alive and would save him from this misery

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Every night, Jungkook would stare and kissed it before asleep and praying that his biological parents are alive and would save him from this misery. He was very sure that they didn't abandoned him and alive somewhere in the world. He just hope they were searching for him just like he was. "I really hope one day I could meet you. I just want to know.. why did you left me here?"

Jungkook was a boy with a good heart. He didn't and couldn't hate his real parents for leaving him. He believed they had the reason for it.

He caressed the pendant and kissed it one last time.

Slowly, Jungkook drift off to sleep.

Somewhere in Korea....

"Sir! We got him!"

"Good job. Now, let's see how it goes."

The person smirked looking outside the building.

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