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Jungkook only able to finish half of it but they reassured him it's okay. His stomach need to get used to getting food again. He did finished his drink enjoying the sweet taste of the juice. Hobi set aside the table and the tray. Jungkook leaned against the headboard. Taehyung gave back to him his bunny and he immediately snuggled to it.

Jungkook for sure found his comfort item.

Three men cooed looking at the younger. Taehyung snuggled to him from his side. Hoseok went to put the tray back to the kitchen and at the same time, Jimin walked into the room. "Hey." All eyes are on him.

He climbed onto the bed and hugged Jungkook's other side. The younger stiffen at first but eventually calmed. Jin just looking at them with a fond smile.

Just like the old days, the twins are very attached to Jungkook ever since his birth. They always played with him and telling him stories whenever they got back from the kindergarten. They love to sleep together cuddling with their youngest brother.

When Jungkook was missing fifteen years ago, the twins had gotten so quiet. Less talking. Less eating. It goes on for like a couple of months before they finally broke down. Jin's heart aches remembering the crying face of the twins. He felt like tearing up.


His thought been cut off as a soft whispering called him. He looked at the maknaes. His heart swelled as he saw Jungkook had fallen asleep on Jimin's shoulder. Head snuggling at the other's neck and the plushie in his right arm hugging tightly. His left hand is clutching on Jimin's shirt. Jin smiled. "Let's have him under the covers. He probably exhausted."

Jimin nodded before shifting their position to lay the younger on the bed but Jungkook whimpered and tighten his fist on Jimin. Those three males looked at him worried. Jimin got the idea and just laid on the bed with him. Taehyung too joined them hugging Jungkook from behind. Jin chuckled before leaning down to kiss the three's foreheads.

"Good night my babies."

He got up and exited the room after switching off the lights and closing the door behind him. He walked downstairs into the living room where everyone else is there. They all looked up as he entered.

"Is he asleep?" Namjoon asked as the other sat on the couch. Jin nodded. "Yeah, he fell asleep on Jimin and refused to let him go so they're cuddling together. Tae is also with them too." Namjoon chuckled.

"So what's up with the Jeon?" Jin never actually interested in joining the Mafia conversation but it it's about his children then there's no way he would not interfere.

"They won't talk. However, we got some information from our men." Yoongi started. "Kang is actually close to the Jeon. Jeon couldn't have a baby and Kang sold Jungkook to them. After a few years, Jeon become financially unstable which results them to throw their anger on Jungkook. He was eight at that time."

Jin covered his mouth in shock. "That's mean.."

"Yes, nine years of torture. But, it became worst as Jungkook was fifteen..." Hoseok trailed clenching his fists. "Because of their financial problems,..he-" He couldn't continue and pulled on his hair. Jin went to him and pulled him in a hug. "They-"

"They raped him."

Their eyes snapped at the male who just came downstairs.


"He raped him for his own pleasure. Mrs Jeon just sat there watching her husband raping a fifteen years old child. Their step son." He spoke with a range in his voice, walking to them. He sat on the couch before turned to Jin. "He's fine. Tae is with him right now." He reassured mentioning the younger. Jin nodded giving a small smile.

"Jeon went as far as selling his body for money. The people would dragged him into the basement and rape him there. They will torture him as they please until he passed out." Jimin buried his face in his palms.

Jimin and Taehyung might be the same age but Jimin would act more matured when he's serious especially something involved his family.

Namjoon finally spoke after being silence the whole time. "Jeon didn't care what those people do to Jungkook as long as they got their money in return." He gritted his teeth.

Tears again make it's way towards Jin's eyes. This is too much. Everything is too much. His breathing get caught up on his throat. He can't breathe. Everyone got alarmed as he began to gasp for air. Namjoon immediately rushed to him just in time Jin collapse.



"He's stressing too much. He fainted out of shock. Nothing is dangerous. Let him rest for now." The doctor spoke after checking on Jin. Namjoon sighed nodding, looking at Jin's body resting on their bed. The doctor took his leave and Namjoon sat on the bed next to Jin's head stroking his forehead. He sighed before moving under the covers joining his husband.

Jin's health isn't good since the start. After giving birth to Jungkook, the operation had taken an effect on himself. He got diagnosed as having a weak heart. Luckily the doctor says that it's nothing life threatening as long as he took his meds and avoid getting too much stressed. He had been working less because of that and it went well. Until the day Jungkook went missing, that day was the first time he fainted out of shock and stress.

It went worse at first as the feeling of the lost of his son get taken a toll on himself. He would faint multiple times every months. They decided him to get some medical help. He had taken some therapy and stopped fainting continuously after a few weeks.

He's been doing good for the past few years until today, the information about Jungkook had been too much for him and it all crashing down on him at once. Namjoon sighed before falling asleep hugging his husband.

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