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Tw: Rape (marked with ⚠️)

The Kim decided to take the private jet back to Seoul as it was faster. They brought Jungkook to their hospital. They knew it was the sooner the better as they want Jungkook to be okay. The hospital is under their own company and Mafia. So, the top floor is authorized only for the family.

They waited in the waiting room as their personal doctor checked on him. As much as they don't want to leave him alone, especially Jin, they need to do this.

After an hour or so, the nurse went out and called them in. They all rushed inside seeing Jungkook was sleeping on the bed. The doctor walked to them. "I think you should see this." He uncovered the blanket over Jungkook's body. The Kims gasped seeing his upper body. "Oh my goodness!" Jin cupped his mouth.

Jungkook's chest and stomach were littered by bruises and scars.

"He has a high fever due to overwork which causes him to faint. I have checked his wounds and good to say there's nothing life threatening. I had injected him with some medicine and they would heal by itself." The doctor explained to the Kim family. They breath out of relief looking at the sleeping boy on the bed.

"According to the data, it is obviously a case of an abuse just as you said earlier. In his case, a severe one. His body is literally filled with wounds all over." Everyone sucked up their breath. "However, his bruises aren't from a normal abuse." The doctor said with a heavy sigh. Everyone looked at him confused and grew nervous. "W-what do you mean." Jin voiced out.

"He's been sexually abused."

Everyone widened their eyes shocked by the information. "Wh-what?" "We found wounds around his private parts which we assume the reason you guys said that he's limping. The wound looked recent like just a couple of days ago or more recent than that. We also found some kind of drugs in his blood during the blood test." The doctor went on.

"W-what drug?" Finally Taehyung spoke after a long silence as everyone trying to take in the information. "It's a type of drugs that can make people loose their sense and conscious. I can conclude that the suspect uses this drug to make him vulnerable so that they can take advantage of him."

That was a lot to take in. Jin had bursts in tears in the middle of explaining. Hoseok went to hug him. Both twins are hugging comforting each other. Yoongi and Namjoon are both gritted in anger. "He is highly malnourished and underweight. He seems like had starved for more than a week." Jin inhaled. "Is there anything we could do?"

The doctor nodded. "You guys could start from the basics. Just give him light meal first for now. Soups would be great, sandwiches and porridge. So that it doesn't shock his stomach after not being eaten for long. After it settles down, you can move to the medium meals then full meal."

Jin nodded already noting that.

The doctor sighed. "There's more." They all looked at him. "As much as I'm worried about his physical health, I'm more concerned about his mental health." They frowned. "Elaborate doctor." Yoongi said.

"Being tortured this much clearly can driving someone insane. We don't know how long it had been but I could see it's has been years. Years of torture, pain." The doctor straighten up. "We will keep his mental health under monitor for now. If it's getting worst, I advised to get guide from a psychiatrist."

And that's really a lot to take in.

"When will he wake up?" Jimin asked trying to change the subject. "Soon. I would say tomorrow at least. In his condition now, it's normal if he woke up later than expected. Don't worry. For now, let him sleep. His body is exhausted." They nodded at the doctor's words. "We need to keep him under monitor for tonight. You guys can take him home from tomorrow."

"Thank you very much, doctor." Namjoon bowed to the doctor. The doctor was very much shocked by this but he then smiled and patted his shoulder. "No need to thank me. I look at you as my own son." Namjoon looked at him. It's been years someone said this since his father's death.


The fifteen years old Jungkook whimpered as he was dragged into the basement by his hair. He was thrown over a big old bed in the middle of the room. Two bulky men approached him. Soon his hands were tied over his head and so were his legs being spread apart showing his whole naked body without a single string.

He whimpered in fear seeing one of the men walking towards him with a knife, grinning wickedly. He traced the back of the knife over Jungkook's chest to his thighs. He screamed in pain as the men make a long cut on his belly. "P-please s-stop p-please." He begged sobbing hardly as the other made another cut.

The man slapped him. "Shut up! We payed for this and you would take anything we give you to satisfy us." He signaled his friend over. Jungkook cried as the other men whipped with the bat. Thighs, chest, belly. Everything were in pain. He gasped as one of them shoved his member down to his throat, gagging him. He chocked on his cries as the other man thrust in his hole with so much force.

Jungkook struggled against his bonds as both males abused both ends. A few moments later both of them released in him. Jungkook was about to spit it out but the man closed his nose blocking his airway forcing him swallowed the disgusting liquid. He went limp on the table, panting heavily.

But those men weren't done yet.

"How about you take both of us next?"



"No!!" Jungkook jolted awake from his sleep. He sobbed looking around him in panick and realizing that he wasn't in his room. He flinched as the door opened and a few men walked in. He whimpered backing away to the headboard hugging his knees. "P-please p-please don't h-hurt me p-please. I-I w-would do a-anything. P-please." He mumbled covering his ears with his hands.

The Kim family were in the living room when they heard Jungkook's scream. They rushed into his room only to meet with a heartbreaking scene. Their heart clenched in pain seeing their youngest in this condition. Jin was in the verge of crying. "Everyone, please wait downstairs. I will handle this." Yoongi whispered to his parents and brothers.

"But-" Jin was about to protest but Yoongi continued. "Please. He's having a panic attack right now. Crowding around him would overwhelm him. I will try to calm him down and bring him later, okay?" Jin sighed nodding. They knew how well Yoongi can handle something like this.

After everyone had exited the room, Yoongi turned to Jungkook and slowly approached him. The younger flinched as he sat down at the edge of the bed. "Hey, bun. Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you okay." Yoongi reassured in a gentle voice not to overwhelm him. "See? I didn't touch you." The younger peaked at him in fear but he stopped shaking. "That's good, bun. Take your time. Calm down." Jungkook's cries lowered down after a few of minutes, sniffling softly. "You're doing good. Look at me, bun."

The younger lifted his head slowly looking at Yoongi. The older smiled softly. "I'm not here to hurt you. I want to help you. Would you allow me, please?" He inched closer to Jungkook cautiously not to startled the younger. Jungkook just stared at him for a while before nodding slowly.

Jungkook flinched closing his eyes as Yoongi reach his hand towards him. Expecting a punch or a slap but it never came. Instead, he feel a hand lifting his head gently and another thumb caress his cheek, wiping his tears.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and stared at Yoongi who had a smile on. "Shh, I'm not gonna hurt you. You're save here. I promise." The older's voice was so soft that he stopped crying but sniffing softly. Yoongi wipe the rest of his tears with his thumb and smiled at him.

His smile warmed Jungkook's heart which he unknowingly lean on his soft touch. The older slowly hugged him making him tense a little but allowed him. Jungkook burry his face to his chest and sniffled his scent. It somehow calmed him. "T-thank you." His voice sounded muffled to the other's shirt. "No need. By the way, I didn't introduce myself earlier at the cafe. My name is Yoongi."

He broke the hug. He ran his hand through Jungkook's hair. "Everyone are waiting for you downstairs. Should we go?" The younger looked at him in fear. "Don't worry. We won't do anything. Just talk okay?" He reassured him and Jungkook agreed.

"How about you get some shower before that?"

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