🐰 10

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Jungkook woke up from his sleep and immediately panicking as he felt two pairs of arms wrapped around him. The sun was peaking through the closed curtains lighting his room. He eventually calmed down as he saw who is it besides him. On his left side is Taehyung and surprisingly it was Yoongi on his other side.

He blinked his eyes remembering clearly he fell asleep on Jimin isn't he? He just shrugged it off and slowly slipped from their hold and stood up stretching his limbs. This is the really first time he felt like he got enough sleep in years. He couldn't believe he had found his real family just yesterday. The people who he had long for years.

He looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

7.10 am

It's still early. Jungkook went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, leaving out the idea of shower as he don't have any clothes to change right now. He stepped out of the room and into the hallway, still hugging his bunny stuffy. He don't really know but he became really attached to it.

Maybe because this is his first stuff toy?

It was silent and a bit dark since the only light are from the windows on the wall along the hallway. He studied around in amazement seeing the aesthetic and expensive designs of little details on every furniture.

I'm sure I don't want to touch anything and broke it. I don't want them to be angry and beat me.

Jungkook makes his way downstairs trying to find the kitchen and found it just next to the living room.

Even the kitchen looks expensive.

He placed the bunny on the chair not wanting it to be dirty and carefully checked the cabinet to make some breakfast for them. Some ingredients are a bit unknown to him and looking hella expensive. So, he decided to make something simple, egg sandwiches. He cracked some eggs into a bowl and mix it. He put on the stove and poured the mix into a pan.

It had become a habit for him to cook for his step parents breakfast.

It was either he cooks breakfast and getting insults or just got a whole lot of beatings.

He remembers when he woke up late and and his step father dragging him to the basement for his punishment. The time time his lost his innocent...by his own step father. Jungkook shook his head not wanting to remember that.

Jin always become the one who woke up early in the morning and make breakfast for everyone. This morning he woke up a bit dizzy. He looked at his husband sleeping next to him and sighed remembering what had happened yesterday.

I worried him again.

He hovering over the other and kissed his lips. "Sorry I made you worry." He got up with a sigh making his way to the kitchen. He halted his steps and frowned seeing the lights are on and it smelled like someone is cooking. He makes his way to the entrance to see who it is.

"The maids aren't here yet as their shift starts at eight. Who could it be?" He spoke to himself.

Jin was shocked seeing the small figure standing in the kitchen. "Kookie?" He spoke. He saw the younger stiffen and hesitantly turned around. "Uh..mo-mornin' Appa." He stuttered.

"What are you doing, bun?"

Upon seeing Jin, Jungkook was terrified that he messed up and in trouble. Thinking that he did something he shouldn't. "Uh-" Jin's eyes landed to the plate on the table. "What is it? You make breakfast?" He asked while walking towards Jungkook. His eyes softened seeing the younger was shaking in fear.


He called softly reaching his hand towards him. Jungkook tightly closed his eyes thinking he might got slapped. Jin's heart clenched seeing him like this. He thought his appa would hurt him?

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