🐰 7

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Jungkook uncomfortably shifted on his seat as all attention were on him. They were all seated in the living room. The room was very spacious and luxurious. He pulled his legs up to his chest tightly making himself smaller. He had taken a shower and Yoongi gave him a long sleeve t-shirt for him to wear along with a trackpants.

Then, Jin spoke after a few silence. "Now Jungkook, we know you have so much question, right?" He asked softly looking at the younger.

Jungkook nodded. "As you might already know, we are apart of Mafia and your parents owed us a huge dept." Another nod. "I know. They have a lot of debts with many people." Jungkook whispered but enough for them to hear.

He looked down. "A-And I will guess they sold me to you? Are you going to kill me? If so, please do. I'm tired of living anyways." Jungkook whispered the last part against his knees. Unaware that they actually heard him.

Their heart broke hearing it from the youngest. Jungkook doesn't care he was talking back to a Mafia like that. Jungkook doesn't care about dying right now. His life was all messed up. He just sad that he probably won't be meeting his real family.

Namjoon exhaled. "We are not going to kill you. You are innocent. We won't ever dare to even hurt you. In fact, we wanted you to live with us." Jungkook frowned peeking from his knees. "Lives here?" He whispered. Everyone internally cooed seeing how cute he looked right now. Taehyung nodded. "Yes, here with us. We just found you and we wouldn't want to loose you again."

Jungkook grew more curious and wanted to ask but he was afraid. Jin noticed this. "Just say, Jungkook. I promise we won't do anything bad." The older said softly. The younger slightly cleared his throat. "U-Uh, what do you mean by again? Do we met before?" For him, he just met them the first time at the cafe. He didn't think he had met them before that.

Jungkook had spent his childhood only at school and home. His step parents never really brought him out and just being kept in the house. He never wonder around after school, being afraid of getting beat up for being late. He was deep onto his thoughts when a word snapped him out of it.


Jungkook froze shooting his head up slowly hearing the name towards Yoongi, who said it. It was strangely familiar. Some blurry images of some people coming through his mind. "W-what?" He looked at them.

Seokjin and Yoongi looked at each other and then came towards him, kneeling on the floor in front of him.

"Hope you could remember us, Kookie." Yoongi said as they both pulled out a necklace around their neck. Jungkook's eyes widened seeing the pendants which looked almost similar to him with different shape. Blurry memories keep coming in his head making him dizzy. He clutched his head in his palm.

Some memories then becoming clearer.


"Come on Kookie. Say my name! Say Yoongi." The older male encourage his little brother.

"K-kitty!" Little Jungkook giggled clapping his little hands. Yoongi pouted. "No Kookie. Say Yoongi."

"Kitty~" The younger giggled crawling to his brother. Yoongi sighed picking him up. "You know what, you win. Kitty it is." He tickled the little's tummy earning another set of giggles.

"My babies having fun without me huh?" Both of them turned to see the newcomer. Little Jungkook's face lit up seeing the familiar face. "Papa!" He made grabby hands towards the older who picked him up.

"My little Koo."


Jungkook gasped turning to Yoongi with teary eyes. "K-kitty?" A small smile creep up on the older's face as he nodded. Jungkook gasped "T-that's mean.." he then turned towards Seokjin. "Y-you're...P-pa?" He whispered.

His tears broke loose from his eyes as Jin nodded. Jungkook sobbed throwing himself on him hugging him tightly as he cried on his chest. He is his papa. The one who gave birth to him. Yoongi also joined the hug.

Jin was also crying and continuously pecking Jungkook's face. "My son." The younger cried more hearing him say that. It's been a long time since he had heard that. Jin cupped his cheeks and wiped his tears with his thumb. "Don't cry my baby. You will get sick. Appa is here." Jungkook sniffled nodding his head.

Jungkook looked around and saw the others was also in tears, circled around them on the carpeted floor. He stared at everyone's face before he pulled away from his appa's lap and went to one of them and hugged him. "Daddy." He whispered looking up smiling at at the said male.

Namjoon teared up and hugged him back. "My son." Jungkook went up his hands to wipe his tears and cupped his cheeks. "Dada don't cry." He pouted still with his wet face. Namjoon chuckled kissing his palm. "I won't baby. I won't."

Jungkook looked at the other three who were staring at them. His memories becoming clearer. "Sunshine." He went to hug Hoseok which he returned it back crying. He also pointed at the other two. "Chim, Tata." Both of them joined the hug including Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi. Jungkook was in the middle of them. He was happy he finally met his real family.

Suddenly, someone accidentally pressed on Jungkook's back back too hard. "Ow!" He yelped feeling the pain. They broke the hug looking at him worried. "Are you okay, baby?" Jin asked him worriedly. "I-I'm o-okay, pa." Jungkook whispered while stuttering. But Namjoon clearly wasn't having it. "Show us your back." Jungkook looked at him in fear.

But before he could say anything, Jin pulled him on his lap. "Shh, don't be afraid. We won't hurt you. We want to help you, Kookie. I promise we won't judge, okay?" He stroked his hair. Jungkook nodded hiding his face on his neck and gripped his shirt as Hoseok pulled up the younger's t-shirt from back. Jin keep stroking the youngest hair and whispers reassurance on his ear.

Gasps was heard around them.

Jin keep rubbing Jungkook's hair softly and whispers some reassurance in his ear to distract him. He could feel Kook tensed against him as everyone else gasped. He looked over. Jungkook's back was littered with bruises and scars all over from his shoulders to his waist.

Of course they had seen some of the bruises before at the hospital but, not on his back. This was even more hideous than his front side.

Jin was staring at it until he felt something wet on his shoulder and saw that Jungkook was crying. He immediately rocked his body back and forth with him in his arms to calm him just like he did when he was a baby. He don't care if Jungkook might be a teenager now. He's still their baby and need the most care right now. "Shh. Don't cry. It's okay. You're safe." Jin pulled back down his t-shirt, kissing his head.

He then stood up with Jungkook in his hold. The younger was worryingly light so he didn't have difficulty holding him. Taking a mental note to feed him later. Gently secured him in his arms, Jin motioned the others to follow him to Jungkook's room.

He sat on the bed and gently placed Jungkook on the mattress. Jin mentally cooed when he was looking at him with his wet doe eyes. Everyone also sat on the edge and circled around the bed.

Jin turned his head over Taehyung. "Tae honey. Could you please get me the cream and get me a towel?" Tae nodded before ran to Jin's and Namjoon's room. "Hobi, can you get him a glass of water please." Hoseok went to the kitchen and went back with a glass. On the same time Taehyung came back with the cream and a towel.

Jin took the glass from Hobi and gave it to Jungkook who drank it immediately as if he doesn't drink for a long time. His heart ache seeing his son like this. He placed the empty glass on the bedside table and face him. "Kookie, I'm going to put the cream on your back but you need to remove your t-shirt, okay?" Jin saw Jungkook's eyes widened in panick and fear.

"We're not going to be mad, bun. I won't be angry on my son. You are not comfortable with us am I right? It's okay we won't force you." The older spoke softly. Jungkook shook his head. "They are ugly." He whispered. Their heart clenched hearing him.

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