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Namjoon and Hoseok ran towards his direction. Jungkook panicked seeing them. His breath shortened and he crawled away from them. His hand was still bleeding continuously. The smell of the blood was making him dizzy. He can't hear anything they are saying.

Both elders panicked not knowing what to do. At the same time, the front door opened as a person walked in. Namjoon and Hoseok turned their head at the newcomer.

"With my breath held, I walk into my sea, I walk into it."

The familiar soft and sweet vocal echoed through the hallway.

"I face myself who is crying beautifully and sorrowfully
Myself in that darkness
I'd like to go find him and tell him
that I'd like to know more about you today, yeah
Still, I remain with myself
With my voice unable to come out, I just circle around him"

Jungkook stopped shaking and slowly began to become aware of his surrounding.

"That dark place,
I'd like to be submerged in it, I'd like to go to it
I'll be there
Today as well, I circle around you again"

Jungkook finally realized of his surroundings. He lifted his head at the source of the voice. He saw his Papa walked towards him and kneels in front of him.

"The closer I get to you, the more breathless I become and the farther away you feel
Wouldn't it be that you went deeper into the sea, yeah"

Jin lifted his hand gently caressing the youngest's cheek as he stared at him.

"Myself in that sea
I'd like to go find him and tell him
that I'd like to know more about you today, yeah
Still, I remain with myself
With my voice unable to come out, I just circle around him"

Jungkook's eyes felt heavy. He felt sleepy. Melting into the touch of his Papa's warm and gentle palm on his cheek. He dropped his eyes close. "Appa.."

"That dark place,
I'd like to be submerged in it, I'd like to go to it
I'll be there
Today as well, like this, I close my eyes to get to you"

Jungkook's breath evened and he falls asleep. Jin catches his body and scoops him in his arms. Cradling him. "It works everytime." He chuckles, kissing his son's head before he stood up with Jungkook.

Namjoon and Hoseok approach him. Previously in the middle of it, Jin came home from his meeting and saw the commotion. He decided to sing the song he used to sing to Jungkook when he was a baby.

They placed Jungkook in his room and Jin worked on his wounds. Namjoon sat the other side of the bed caressing Jungkook's hair gently not to wake him. Hoseok went out to talk about what happened with the maids.

Jin bandaged the hand carefully and placed a kiss on it as he done. He sighed before laying down next to Jungkook. "Our son gone through so much." He whispered Namjoon also laid down on the other side. "Yeah you're right. But we will be there for him. We will all help him. Together."

Suddenly Jungkook moved in his sleep. Turning sideways and snuggles up on Namjoon's chest. Both parents chuckled seeing him won't letting the older go any soon. "I guess a nap won't be hurt, right?" Namjoon laughed.

Jungkook blinked his eyes open and found himself in a dark void. He panicked seeing he was alone but a familiar voice caught his attention. He looked around for the person who was singing. The void changed into a vision around him.

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