🐰 8

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Namjoon came next to Jungkook and Jin. "No, bun. You are always beautiful in our eyes. You are still our boy no matter what it is. You are strong, son. Dada is so proud of you." He spoke ruffling Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook looked at him shocked. He never heard that in his life. No one ever say that they're proud of him. But now someone is. Someone who stood in front of him. His father. He looked down playing with the hem of his hoodie and nodded his head. Namjoon smiled softly at him and kissed his forehead earning a surprised gasp from the youngest.

Jungkook was still looking uneasy so Hoseok suggested. "Do you want someone to hold you, Kookie?" Jungkook stared at him and everyone else before nodding. "Who baby? That's okay, everyone don't mind, Koo." Jin spoke encouraging the younger to make a decision after seeing him hesitating.

Jungkook just crawled across the bed and carefully sitting on...

Yoongi's lap.

He doesn't really know why but he felt some sense of securities with him.

The older was shocked not expecting Jungkook to choose him but nonetheless he smiled and wrapped his arms around him.

"Alright Kookie. I'm going to pull off your shirt now okay?" Yoongi asked him which the younger nodded in return. The older took off the cloth but stopped in his place after that. The other people in the room too. Jungkook looked down to his lap.

Now that they look closer, every inch of his body was filled with scars. Either big or small. There's a long scar on his back under the right shoulder to the left side of his waist. Taehyung who was sitting besides Yoongi slowly and gently traced the scar. "H-how do you get this?" He asked. His voice just came out as a whisper as he was still shocked. It looks like someone had dragged a knife on his back.

The scars like this definitely not coming from just an abuse. This is downright torture.

Jungkook just closed his eyes tightly but opened as he felt hand holding his. He looked up seeing his appa who had a teary eyes gently caressing the scars on his arms.

The scars he made himself.

"P-pa." Jungkook whispered watching as another set of tears brimmed in Jin's eyes. Jin sniffled wiping his tears and turned to Jimin. "Minnie, can you get the aid kit in the bathroom please?" The said younger got up to the bathroom and came back with the box. Jungkook watched intentionally at the older treating his arms, hissing from time to time as the cuts on his left were still new.

Jin didn't talk at all. Jungkook hung his head with guilt and shame. He thinks that Jin is mad at him.

The older finished wrapping the bandage when he heard sniffles from the youngest. He looked up cupping Jungkook's cheeks. "Baby hey why are you crying. Are you hurt somewhere else?" Jungkook sobbed hearing Jin's soft voice. He shook his head. "I-I'm sorry."

Jin's face softened wiping his tears with his thumb. He leaned and kissed Jungkook's forehead. "Don't be. We love you so much."


"Are you hungry Koo?" Hoseok asked stroking the youngest's hair as they laid down on the bed. Taehyung is also with them, cuddling Jungkook from behind. The others had gone down to the basement to met the Jeons. The two of them insisted to stay with Jungkook and Jin.

"Hm, a little." Jungkook answered leaning to his touch almost falling asleep. Jin had gotten to the kitchen a few minutes ago to make something for Jungkook. He had been unconscious for the whole two days and Jin was sure he's hungry. Hoseok got up from his position and stood up. Jungkook and Taehyung sat up. "I'm going to help appa. You stay here with Taetae okay?" He patted the youngest's head before walking out.

The room atmosphere is somewhat awkward between the two of them. Taehyung broke it and spoke. "So, Kookie. What do you want to do?" The younger shrugged his shoulder. He doesn't know what to do. All his life he only know work and abuse. He don't know anything else. He don't have a phone.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as Taehyung get up from the bed. He looked at the older questionably. "Wait here. I have something for you." Taehyung dashed out of the room but came a minute later with a paper bag with him. He gave it to Jungkook.

"I bought it yesterday as a welcome gift to you. I'm excited about finally meeting my younger brother after years. I hope you like it." Excitement presence in Taehyung's eyes. Jungkook opened the bag and gasped seeing the item. He pulled it out of it.

It's a plush toy.

Jungkook stared at it

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Jungkook stared at it. He never had a stuffed toy before. He had when he was a kid but his step parents throw it away just when the abuse started. "It's a bunny and it's reminds me of you so I bought it. It's okay if you don't -" Tae stopped talking as he saw Jungkook hugged the stuffed bunny to his chest and sniffled on it.

A small smile tugged on his lips and happiness written on his face. Jungkook looked up at Tae. "Thank you Taetae." He hugged the older. Taehyung was shocked but quickly recovered and hugged back.

Just in time Jin and Hoseok entered with a tray. "Oh so Tae gave you the bunny hm?" Jin sat on the bed and Hoseok put the tray on the nightstand. "You like it bun?" Jungkook nodded excitedly. His doe eyes glistening in joy. The elders present in the room smiled at him.

"Well then, I brought some food for you. Try to eat this okay?" Jin pulled the tray in front of him and put it on a small table Hoseok had put over his lap. Jin had made a cream chicken soup with potatoes and mushrooms.

Jungkook started to tear up again looking at the warm soup. "What's wrong? Do you not like the soup?" Jin asked him. Jungkook shook his head. "I don't remember when the last time I had a proper meal." He whispered. The others felt their heart dropped hearing him. "What do you usually eat?" Tae asked him.

Jungkook hesitated but gathered enough courage to tell. "Some cold leftovers.." He whispered looking up seeing Jin had his hand covered his mouth, eyes getting wet. The other two were gritted their teeth. Hoseok was already on his phone typing someone.

Jungkook felt a warm hand over his on the small table. Jin was looking at him with a teary eyed smile. "Don't worry. From now on you would be able to eat warm meals everyday."

"Thank you papa."

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