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The Kim family were now driving to Busan with their guards trailed behind them. Yoongi was driving at the front with Namjoon sat next to him. Jin was sitting in the middle with Hoseok and the twins were at the back. Jin looked outside the window deep in his thoughts.

He still couldn't believe that they would now be able to find their son soon. Fifteen years. It's a long time. Their son's name was Jungkook. Just when they thought he couldn't conceive anymore, they had been blessed with Jungkook. Jin still could remember the intense pain he had because of complications during his birth.

Jungkook's birth was between life and death but thankfully the doctors were able to save both of them. The doctor said that he wasn't able to conceive anymore since they had to remove his womb. Their children were already a blessing to them and Jin was more thankful on what he have now.

Jungkook was such a cute and bubbly son which melted everyone's heart especially Yoongi's. On his birthday, they gifted him a pendant. It was actually a special pendant which only made for them.

Jin gifted one for Yoongi before when he first had him and then he gave one for Jungkook. It was because Yoongi is his first son and Jungkook is the youngest. He also have the same. Each three pendants have different shape but same design.

The twins and Hoseok got matching bracelets with Namjoon. Both parents were already planned this as they don't want their children to feel left out.

Then, it was when things go down. While celebrating Jungkook's birthday, they got attacked by an enemy. After that, Jungkook was no where to be found. Namjoon was only a CEO back then and his father was still the Mafia boss.

Their life weren't always like this. They were just a happy simple middle class family. Their company and mafia back then weren't big so it was difficult for them to find Jungkook. Kang clan was more powerful than them.

After two years of searching for Jungkook, Namjoon's father went ill. So, Namjoon willingly took over the Mafia himself. He was the one who built the name for the Kim as it is now.

He sacrifice so much for his family. To find Jungkook. To the point he was admitted to the hospital because of overworked.

Jin was so deep in thoughts until someone shook him. "Pa? Are you okay? You're crying." He brought his hand to his face feeling the tears. He didn't notice he was crying. He looked to his side seeing Hoseok's worried face. He smiled wiping the tears. "I'm fine Hobi. Just remembering something." He looked around the car seeing the twins had gone asleep at the back and Namjoon and Yoongi were having some conversation.

Hoseok suddenly hug him. "Don't worry appa. We will find him." Jin smiled hugging back. "We will, Hobi. We will." He rubbed his son's hair. "Are you guys okay back there?" Namjoon turned his head back. They both nodded breaking the hug. "Yeah, we're fine. Don't worry." Jin answered and the other hummed.

A few minutes later they arrived in Busan. Jimin and Taehyung had woken up just a minute ago. "How about we have a break at my cafe's branch in Busan? It's been a while since we visited there." Jin spoke breaking the silence. "Really, Appa?" Taehyung exclaimed. The older nodded. "Yay! Let's go! It's been a ages since I ate their strawberry cheesecake!" The others laughed at his excitement.


They arrived and parked the car at the cafe's parking lot. The cafe wasn't too busy today as it was weekdays and it mostly full during Saturday and Sunday. As they stepped out of the car, the manager greeted them. "Good afternoon, Sir Kim and family. It's been a long time since you visit us." He bowed.

Jin smiled at him. "Good afternoon, Mr Yang. The cafe looked different and beautiful. I guess the business here is good?" Mr Yang smiled. "Yes, Sir Kim. Please come in. I will show you your table." They went in and sat at a private table near the glass window. "The waiter will come soon, sir. Please enjoy your day." The manager bowed before walking away.

The cafe was very cozy and clean. It was decorated in a garden theme with beautiful plants and flowers. It even had a mini playground at the outside garden so that other parents with small children can enjoy themselves. As they were scanning the cafe, a boy came towards them with a smile. "Hello, good afternoon sir! I will serve you today. May I know your order?" He greeted them while bowing.

The others said their orders but Jin was just looking at the boy with an unknown emotion ran through his body. "And your order sir? Sir?" The boy asked him. Jin blinked his eyes before ordering his food and drink. The boy wrote it down and rechecking the order before he bowed and walking away. Jin looked at him.

Yoongi was busy with his phone and the twins are playing games while Hobi was watching them. Jin felt a hand on his waist. He looked to his side seeing Namjoon's worried face. "Are you okay?" Jin nodded leaning against him. "Yeah." "Want to talk about it?" He hummed before looking at Joon.

"It sounds weird actually but I kind of feel some kind of connection when I looked at him. I felt like I know him. I know it sounds stupid but-" Namjoon cut his rambling. "Hey, hey calm down, babe. You know stressing aren't good for you. Remember what the doctor said." Jin sighed nodding his head. "I know."

Later, the boy came back with their drinks.  "Here are your drinks sir." He placed the glasses one by one. "Thank you." Namjoon spoke. The boy smiled at him. "I will come back with your dish." Then, he comes back with the food. "Please enjoy yourself sir." He bowed before walking off.

Taehyung had stopped his game at stared at the boy. "Dad, pa." He called both parents. They turned to him. "Yes Tae?" His brothers also looked at him. "The pendant." "What?" Jin asked confused. "Do you remember the pendant you gifted to Jungkook on his birthday? That shaped like a bunny?" They nodded. "It's there. I saw it on the boy earlier." Everyone was shocked.

"Tae, are you sure?" Jimin asked his twin. Tae nodded. "I'm very sure I saw it on his neck." "Well we couldn't be so sure right now. Maybe it's coincidence he had the almost similar one." Hobi spoke. Namjoon hummed. "If it could makes you better, how about we ask Mr Yang to get us to talk with the boy?" "Okay." They agreed.

While they are eating, Mr Yang came to the table. "How is the food, sir?" "Hm good as always. Mr Yang." Jin replied. The manager thanked him. "Mr Yang, can we have a small talk with waiter boy later?" Mr Yang looked at Namjoon. "Who?" "The boy who served us."

"Oh you mean Jungkook?"

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