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"Aigoo my baby is so cute hm?" The man smiled holding the baby in his arms. He was half laying on the bed. "Look, look at him smiling, honey." Then came another man and picked up the baby.

"My precious son."

Suddenly came two little boys running up to them. "Daddy! Daddy, where our little brother? We wanna see!" The other man chuckled bending down to their level with the baby. Then, come two more older boys into the room.

"Meet your brother, Kookie!"

Their face are blurry. I can't see them

"No! My baby! Help!

Too many people, what's happening??


Jungkook jolted awake gasping and looking around him. The same dream he had been having since a month ago. He was sure it was a memory from his biological family. There must be something happened in the past that cause him to be separated from them. Jungkook close his eyes holding the necklace.

Please God let me meet them.

Jungkook was startled by the sound of yelling from downstairs. "Oi brat, where is the breakfast!" It's his step father. Shit! I woke up late. He curses. He quickly washed his face and run downstairs. As soon as he went there, a hard slap landed on his face sent him on the floor. He looked up to see his step father standing in front of him in range.

"You think of me as a joke huh?!" He yelled. "N-no-" Jungkook yelped as his step father dragged him by his hair. He panicked as he dragged him to the basement. The other threw him harshly on the floor.


"Strip!" "N-no please sir. I'm s-sorry sir-" "Shut up!" Jungkook flinched keeping himself quite. "Do as I say." He stood up and slowly took off his clothes leaving himself all naked in front of him. He yelped when he was pushed against the wall and the older keep licking his neck while his hands roaming over the younger's body.

Jungkook cried completely helpless under him as his step father used his body for his own lust. The older groaned before pulling out of him and finished off on his thighs. Jungkook dropped to the ground panting and shaking as his legs gave up.

He whimpered as his step father gripped his hair harshly. "Such a tasty slut you are. Too bad I have work to do. If not then I would like to use you more." He gasped as the older kicked his stomach twice before walking out of the basement

Jungkook curled on the floor sobbing loudly. His whole body was in pain. He stayed there for a while before he decided to get up. He have a shift at 11 today and can't be late. He took his clothes, limping himself up to his room and took a shower. He hissed as the cold water ran down a few wounds on his back. He looked at himself in the small mirror.

You're ugly.

The same voice whispered in his head. Jungkook stared at the blade on the sink before taking it. A cut then lead to the other. He blankly stared at five fresh cuts on his arms joining the other old scars. He sighed snapping out of his thoughts and washed himself before getting ready to work.

He wrapped his arms with a bandage and putting on a bit of makeup to cover some bruises on his face. He wore a turtleneck sweater as it would hide his bruised neck. Getting his bag and went off to the cafe. His step parents weren't home right now so it was easy coming out of the house.

Jungkook walked along the path to the cafe which took about fifteen minutes walk from the house. He was limping a little along the way and controlling himself not to fall. His head felt a bit dizzy but hoping he won't faint anytime soon. Walking in the staff room and placed his bag in the locker, he wore the staff apron and start serving the customers.

A few hours passed and it was near 1, the manager came to him. "Jungkook-ah." He turned to face the older. "Yes, uncle." "Today some VIP would come today. Would you mind serving for them?" He said. "VIP?"

How would a VIP come to cafe?

"Yes, he is the owner of this cafe and he is coming with his family. Would you mind?"

He was shocked as the owner would come. Almost a year he had worked here, he never knew about the owner. He only had heard that they were most richest man in South Korea and apparently they are a mafia gang but he had never knew their face.

"Why me sir?" I asked him still shocked. "Why not. Jay was absent today and you're very sweet and polite. You're the best worker I have ever had ." He chuckled and Jungkook blushes a bit at the compliment. Suddenly a few cars parked in front of the cafe. "Oh, he's here. I will go greet them. You get ready." The manager walked to the entrance to welcome the VIP.

Six men walked in wearing dark outfit. Their aura were so strong. The rich and dominant aura making Jungkook shivered. They sat at the big table at the private corner of the cafe. Jungkook gulped gathering his courage before making his step towards them with a smile. "Hello, good afternoon sir! I will serve you today. May I know your order?" He greeted them while bowing.

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