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Jungkook was woken up by Hoseok to shower and change his clothes. They all had their breakfast and Namjoon had to go for a meeting at the company with Hoseok. Today was the day they had planned to go shopping. Though Jungkook refused as yesterday the guards had moved in his things from his 'fake' parent's house. So now they just wait for Namjoon and Hoseok to be back before going there.

Jungkook arranged his clothes perfectly in the huge closet in his room. It was a built in closet with three sliding doors. His clothes were so little that they didn't even fill the first half of it. He didn't buy much. Not when his step parents didn't bought them for him.

Jungkook stepped into the house after his shift at the cafe. Feeling happy for having his first salary. His smile dropped seeing his step parents were in the living room. "Did you get the money?" Step mom asked standing in front of him. "Y-yes." He stuttered keeping his head low. "Good. Now give it to me." "B-but-" He tried to protest. "I said give it to me!" She yelled. He flinched and dove his shaky hand into his pocket pulling out the small envelope.

She snatched it from his hand looking through it. "Go to your room." But Jungkook just stood there. "Do you fucking hear what I said!?" He shook his head. "N-no no. I do. I'm sorry ma'am." He bowed before ran to his room.

Ever since then, he started to sneak out a bit of the money he earned and thankfully they didn't noticed. Especially when he got some tips. Not that his step parents really payed attention to him. He was really scared that if one day they finally found out about it.

Jungkook got startled as a knock was heard and the door opened revealing his Taetae hyung. "Hey, Kookie. Are you done? Everyone are waiting for you downstairs." The younger gasped looking at the clock. "S-sorry. I-I got lost in thoughts- I just-" He rambled but Taehyung stopped him.

"Hey, hey calm down Kookie. We are not mad. It's okay." Taehyung rushed to say seeing his brother's almost panicked state. He stepped up to him and reached out his hand. "Let's go. They are waiting for us." He smiled reassuringly. Jungkook was hesitate but hold his hand as they walked downstairs together.

"Okay we will split in two cars. Yoongi will drive one and Hoseok will take the other one." Jin spoke as they gathered at the door. "Kookie will be with us!" The twins grabbed Jungkook with them towards Hoseok's car. Jin chuckled shaking his head.

Bodyguards were surrounding them from afar so the family could have their own pace. The mall was owned by them on the name of the Kim's. During shopping they mostly focused on getting Jungkook some clothes. Though he hesitate, he couldn't refused. They got him different types of clothes for Jungkook in some various colors.

"We are here!" Jungkook looked at the store. A hair salon. He got a haircut for his long hair that he couldn't remember the last time he cut it. Maybe half a year ago. When he got some money in his saving. He couldn't risk cutting it himself since he gonna mess it up.

Meanwhile, Jimin wanted to dye his hair back to black since his roots starting to show. Hoseok also dyed his hair brown and get a little haircut.

On their way home Jungkook fell asleep on Taehyung's shoulder. He looked so tired that everyone didn't dared to wake him up so when they reached home, the older picked him up, a bit surprised by Jungkook's light weight. "Bring him to his room. We will wake him for dinner later." Jin said to Taehyung as he wore the apron while he walked to the kitchen. "I want to help." Jimin rushed after his father.

The others already went upstairs to change their clothes. Namjoon went to his office room. Taehyung walked to Jungkook's room that were next to his and Jimin's room. He tucked Jungkook on his bed placing the bunny plush next to him. Smiling softly as the younger immediately cuddled to the toy. He walked to his room to change too.

"Boys! The food is ready!" Jin yelled from the kitchen. Yoongi came and helped him served them on the table. Jin went to change in his and Namjoon's room. One by one each of them came to the dining table and sat at their seat. "Someone needs to call Jungkook. He is still asleep." Taehyung spoke. "I will. Since I'm going to our room first." Jimin walked upstairs.

He changed into his hoodie before went to Jungkook's room. He knocked it first but hearing no answer from the younger, he twisted the door open. "Kook-" Jimin's eyes widened seeing the scene in front of him. The younger was crying and whimpering in his sleep. "Kookie!" He gasped rushing to Jungkook's side. He tried to hug him but failed as Jungkook keep squirming around.

"Nightmare." Jimin muttered trying to wake him up. Muttering some comforting words but it didn't seem to work. He almost cried as Jungkook looked like he was in pain. Jimin heard him muttered something so he inched closer.


"Appa?" Jimin frowned. Without further questions he took out his phone and called Jin. The mansion was big. He can't just yell for him. He can't leave Jungkook either.

"Jimin? What take you guys so long? Is Jungkook awa-"

"P-please come upstairs now, Appa."

Jin become alerted hearing Jimin sniffles. He stood up alerting everyone else. "What's wrong? We will come now."

"No no appa. Only you please. Bring Yoongi hyung with you too but only you two." Jimin eyed Jungkook who now stopped moving but still crying mumbling incoherent words. He didn't want to overwhelm Jungkook so he just called the two of them.

"Okay." Jin said as he looked at Yoongi. "Jimin want both of us upstairs." The younger nodded somehow understanding the situation. They reassured the others before rushed upstairs. They saw Jungkook's room was opened and went there. They met with teary eyed Jimin hugging Jungkook who was crying in his sleep.

Yoongi rushed next to them. "He's having a nightmare but he doesn't seem to wake up. I don't know what to do." Jimin explained. "He keeps saying 'Appa' that's why I called you." Jin's eyes widened as parental instinct in him clicked. "Give him to me." He took Jungkook in his arms shaking him slowly.

"Jungkook-ah, baby, wake up.. Appa is here.. you're safe.. Papa is here." Jin repeatedly talked into his ear while shook him gently. It seemed to be working as Jungkook stopped crying about a few minutes later and he opened his puffy eyes.



I'm so upset and sad that my book 'More Than Lust' had been deleted by Wattpad. I was excited to update new chapter for you guys. I'm sorry for everyone who had been waiting for the story.

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