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All eyes locked on the manager. "Wait, you mean his name is Jungkook?" Hobi asked. "Yes." Jin was in daze while Yoongi asked more. "How long has he been working here?" Mr Yang thought for a bit.

"Almost a year if I'm not mistaken. He applied here last year. He was still young so it was hard for him to get a job. I gave him to work here since I saw that he actually a sweet and kind boy. So far he's doing good here."

All of them was shocked from this information. Mixed emotion blend in their selves.

It was almost 2 and then it would be Jungkook's break. He was sweeping the floor then the manager came to him. "They called for you, Jungkook." He looked at the older shocked.


"They said they want to talk with you." "B-but, work-" He started but Mr Yang reassured him. "It's fine, Kook. It's your break time later right?. Don't worry there isn't much customer right now. Sunnie can manage it" He patted his shoulder. Jungkook sighed nodding.

Jungkook walked up to their table and bowed. "You call for me sir?" Namjoon smiled at him. "Ah yes. Please have a seat." He gestured at the empty seat. Jungkook hesitantly sat there. Jin smiled at him. "Don't be afraid, young man. Just be comfortable with us. My name is Kim Seokjin the owner of this cafe. This is my husband Namjoon and our sons." He reached out his hand which Jungkook nervously shook with.

"So, Mr Yang told us your name is Jungkook am I right?" Hobi asked him. Jungkook replied with a yes. "What's your surname?" Yoongi asked. "Uh, Jeon." The younger answered confusedly. "How did you get the pendant?" The older pointed at the boy's neck. Jungkook looked at it. "Ah, I have it since I was a baby. My step parent said that. I thought probably from my biological family. I have it since they adopted me."

Jungkook turned his head back at them. He was panicked seeing tears in Jin's eyes. "I-I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, sir." He quickly apologize afraid that he might said something wrong to him. Jin wiped his tears and smiled sadly at me. "No dear. I just remembering something."

Jungkook didn't know what's got to him but he went to hug Jin. Seeing the elder's shocked face, he was about to break the hug and apologize but Jin hugged him back. "Do you know about your real parents?" Namjoon asked. "No, but I do hope I will meet them one day." Jungkook said with a bunny smile on my face.

We then talked more for a few minutes until the Kims were leaving.

Jungkook waved his hand as the car drove out of the driveway. He thought that they are nice people even though they're a Mafia. He also have heard that the Kim help people in need and give donations. Clearing his thought, he walked back into the cafe and continue his shift.


"I'm pretty sure that's him!" Jimin slammed his hand on the table. The Kim family were now at their mansion in Busan. Two days have gone since the cafe situation and that young waiter had been in their mind since then.

They were all deep in thoughts until one of their men knocked on the door. "Come in." Namjoon spoke coldly. The man came in. "Boss here is the information you wanted." He gave it to Namjoon and bowed before walking out.

They all circled around him to see the file. They were confirmed that he was their Jungkook. The reason that they couldn't find him earlier as his surname was 'Jeon' and Kang had faked his documents and identity. That old man had the power to manipulate everything back then.

"So, the couple is Jeon huh?" Yoongi chuckled. "Wait, aren't they were the same Jeon who ran away three years ago because of the debt they have with us?" Hoseok spoke gaining everyone attention. Namjoon smirked. "Let's pay them a visit and get Jungkook back with us."

"But...what if he doesn't want to come with us?" Taehyung interrupted making everyone silenced. "No, we would try to convince him. He said he wanted to meet his real family right?" Jimin said breaking the silence. "And also I don't think Jeon are treating him right at all." Yoongi spoke in an annoyed almost angry voice.

Jin looked at him confused. "What do you mean, son."

"When I go to the bathroom earlier that day, I saw him washing his hands. His sleeve lifted up a little and I saw some bruises on the arms. He had bandages too. Also, don't you guys see that he was a bit limping?"

The room turned serious hearing that. Namjoon's eyes turned cold. "So you're telling me that they are hurting him?" Yoongi nodded.

"Then let's give them a visit tonight."


Jungkook's shift finished at 8 today since it was now Friday so the cafe closed early. He changed his clothes in the staff room as it got dirty before walking home. He sighed standing in front of his house mentally preparing himself to face their beating. His head was throbbing so much and he felt so dizzy. Swinging the door open only to meet with unexpected scene.

His step parents were sitting on the couch in the living room with some guests. The other side of the couch sat the Kim family with a few bulky men standing behind them. Jungkook gathered his courage and approach them. He froze when all eyes on him.

On the other side, the Kim's heart ache seeing the younger. Jungkook wasn't longer wearing the sweater he wore at work the other day. He was now wearing a hoodie and a jeans, no makeup on where they could clearly see the bruises on his face to his neck.

Jungkook flinched when he heard his step father shouted. "Oi brat, what are you doing standing there. Go make something for our guest!" Unaware of the glare the Kim were sending to his step father, he immediately bowed and stumbled to the kitchen to make some tea.

Meanwhile, Jin stared at the younger's figure. He signaled Namjoon to continue since it's the Mafia matters before standing up. "I will help him." Mrs Jeon looked at him. "Oh you don't need to do that. That brat can do on his own." She said unaware of the glare they are giving her. Jin suppress his anger and walked to the kitchen.

Namjoon smirked folding his hand to his chest while leaning on the couch. His whole aura changed darkly. His voice lowered. "So we meet again, Jeon. Having fun running away hm?"

Both Jeon had their eyes widened in  shock and fear as realization dawned. They know that Namjoon is a CEO but they don't know he also RM, the Kim Mafia leader. They were trapped.


Jin went to the kitchen seeing Jungkook was struggling with the hot kettle. Suddenly a wave of dizziness hit Jungkook, he yelped as his hand accidentally touch it and ran to the sink. Running his hand through the cold water to soothe the pain, Jungkook flinched as he felt a presence behind him, thinking that it was his step father. He closed his eyes shut waiting to be yelled or a slap. But, it never come instead, a soft hand holding onto his.

Jungkook opened his eyes seeing Jin next to him. He stared as the older softly rubbing his palm on his hand under the cold water to soothe him. Jungkook felt overwhelmed by the unknown feeling he had never felt before. His head felt heavy and his vision turned blurry as he slowly loosing strength of his legs. He saw Jin's worried face saying something to him. But he didn't hear anything like he was drowning in the water.

Slowly his vision turned dark.

Sorry to keep you waiting! Next part will come soon!

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