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Their heart clenched seeing the younger looked so broken. Puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Papa is here, baby." Jin said still hugging him and kissed his head gently.

Jin had sent Yoongi and Jimin downstairs to inform others so they wouldn't worried. Giving him some privacy with Jungkook in case the younger wanted to open up. They keep on cuddling as Jungkook didn't look like he was ready to talk about it yet.

"Appa." Jin stopped stroking Jungkook's hair when he heard him. He hummed. "Do you want to tell Appa what happened, Koo?" Jungkook buried his face deeper onto Jin's chest. "Papa don't leave me please." His voice got muffled Jin heard it. He felt his heart got punched hearing Jungkook said that.

"Never. I'm ain't gonna leave you. Not even everyone else. We won't lose each other." Jin didn't even hesitate. Jungkook sniffles. "Dream... bad people... took Appa... gone." He said in between his sniffles. Jin sighed hugging him. So Jungkook had a bad dream about that. "No one gonna take me. If they do, Daddy and your hyungs gonna kick their butts off." Jin said smiling as he heard a soft giggle from the younger.

They stayed for a some times before going down to have their meals. The rest of the day, everything were just peaceful. They gathered and watch a movie together. Jungkook already forgotten his nightmare comfortably cuddled up to Hoseok.

Days passed and Jungkook had gotten a bit more comfortable with them. Jungkook was happy. More than ever. This was what he wanted all his life. A loving family. He was still a bit reserved but he's opening up slowly. The Kim's knew it would be hard to pull him out of his shell after all the things happened to him and they swear to help him.

His bunny plush had became his comfort items and he couldn't get to sleep without it. The others don't mind it as the younger had missed most of his childhood because of those bastards. They need to let him relive his childhood. They brought him to the amusement park and played many games.

"No! That's cheating!" "No I'm not!" "Give it back!"

The three youngest were playing games. Well... until someone being accused for cheating and now they are running around the house.

They were eating dinner one day when Namjoon start to spoke. "Kookie." Jungkook looked up from his plate to his father. "Yes dad?" Everyone also stopped eating wanting to hear what Namjoon was going to say. "What are your thoughts on going back to school?" The older asked. Jungkook's eyes widened in shock.

"W-what?" "We knew about how you stopped studying and we thought about enrolling you in school. Don't worry about being far back in education, I will manage that for you. So, what do you think, Jungkook?" His father explained. He just sat unmoving trying to process what his father just said.

He stood up from his seat running to Namjoon's side and hugged the older who catches him gently into his arms. He sobbed onto his father's chest mumbling 'thank you'. "Do you want it?" Jungkook nodded wordlessly. "Yes, Dad. I want to go to school. I wanna learn again." He whispered. Namjoon placed him onto his lap giving comforting gesture as the younger pouring his all out.

Everyone around the table looking at the duo smiling fondly at them.


Jungkook gasped as he woke up from his nightmare breathing heavily. Sweat covered his forehead. He looked at the clock. It's two in the morning. Being aware of his surrounding he cupped his face in his hands. "It's just a dream." He mumbled repeatedly to himself trying to calm himself as tears dropped from his eyes.

No it's not just a dream. It was a memory. Something really happened in the past. Jungkook had been bullied in his previous school before he stopped because of his step parent. It was true that he was happy when Namjoon mentioned going back to school but he couldn't help but to remember the times he was bullied.

The bullies would hurt him both mentally and physically. They would call him names and humiliated him. They beat him for fun but not too often since they wouldn't want the teachers to find out. They threatened him to not tell anyone but if he do, who would help him?

The bullies were from the rich family and Jungkook just from the lower class. His step parents already hate him. He had no one but himself. At some point he just wants to die but if it's not for his will to meet his biological family, he wouldn't be here. Meeting them and now living with them under the same roof.

He was startled when his bedroom door opened and a person stood there.

Taehyung was up playing games in the computer room. He was walking back to his room when he heard noises coming from Jungkook's room as he passed it. He knocked but there was no answer so he opened it.

"Kookie? Are you awake- oh my god why are you crying??" He cut his words seeing the tears in the younger's eyes. He rushed to Jungkook's bed where the younger was.

Jungkook almost cried again hearing the worried tone from him. "H-hyungie." He sobbed throwing himself to his brother. He needs someone right now. "There-there. Hyung is here. It's okay. You are okay." Taehyung embraced him and patted his back softly.

The older silently holds him and giving comfort until the younger had eventually calmed down. Jungkook backed away from the hug slightly. "I-I'm sorry." He whispered looking down almost afraid seeing Taehyung's tear stained shirt. "Hey." A pair of hands gently cupped his cheeks making him looked up. Taehyung was looking at him.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. You did nothing wrong." The older said softly wiping Jungkook's cheeks with his thumb. "Now, do you want to share with hyungie why are you crying?" His voice gently not even raise it a bit. He did not want to scare Jungkook. He doubt it's a nightmare again but he didn't know what it was about. He wouldn't pressure the younger if he didn't want to share it. He understood.

As expected, Jungkook shook his head, playing with his fingers. Taehyung nodded caressing his hair. "It's okay if you can't now. I hope one day you would tell us if anything disturbing you." He smiled reassuringly. "Now, it's late. You need to sleep." He got up from the bed but a tug on his shirt stopped him. He looked back at Jungkook who was looking down.

"C-can you stay h-here?" Jungkook whispered. Taehyung smiled laying on the bed with him. "Of course. Let's sleep together. We need to sleep or Appa will hit us with his pink slippers tomorrow." He said attempting to joke and lift up the mood. It did work when he heard a quiet giggle from Jungkook. Taehyung pulled the covers over themselves and gave the bunny plush to him.

"Sleep well, little brother."


I'm sorry guys I've been really busy with my uni right now. Since I've got a bit time right now to publish this chapter. I don't know when will I publish the next chapter but please be patient with me. I'm really sorry for making you guys wait.

Have a nice day🤍

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