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The big wooden door opened as a figure walked into the room."You called me Dad?" The said male turned around to face him. "Yes Suga. Come in." Suga aka Kim Yoongi stepped into his father's office. His face turned serious as his father just addressed him by his Mafia's name. "What's the issue RM sir?"

The older who is known as RM aka Kim Namjoon smirked in response. "We got him."

Five familiar faces were now facing the person who took the most precious thing from them. A person. A son and a brother. The guy was tied up on the chair in their basement beaten up. Everyone faced him with anger in their eyes. RM signaled their men to dump a bucket of water on the guy to wake him up.

He woke up gasping looking around. "Where the fuck-" "Well, well. Look what we got here. Isn't it Mr Kang?" RM's deep voice boomed through the room glaring at the guy as he walked closer. Mr Kang panicked seeing us. "K-Kim?!"

Suga chuckled against the wall. "Not so smart huh, Kang? Hiding yourself at Busan for years and then planning to run away to America huh?" He walked up to him holding his favorite pocket knife and stabbed on the guy's thigh. "Ahh!" Suga pulled back the knife enjoying the way Kang's face frowned in pain.

RM went behind him yanking his hair back. "Now let's get straight into it. Where is my son?" Kang struggled against his hold. "I won't tell you!" RM's eyes darkened before letting go of his hair and stepped away. "Now let's see. Torture him until he's willing to speak." He instructed his men.

Kang's screams and cries echoed throughout the basement as they watched him getting beat up nonstop. Two hours had passed and finally he gave up. "I will! I will tell you!" Suga signaled their men to stop. Kang's whole face been bloated and bruised. The wound Suga gave him earlier now dripping blood. Suga took out his gun pointing at Kang's forehead. "Where. Is. My. Brother!" He yelled emphasizing each word.

Everyone flinched by his loud voice. The others knew how much Suga love his brothers so much even without showing it. "I-I sold him! To a couple long years ago!" His eyes darkened hearing what he did.

"Where are they now?"

"I don't know! The last I know they live in Busan.

"Then we don't need you anymore."



Suga shot him dead on the forehead before storming out of the basement.

Seokjin was cooking in the kitchen while everyone else in the basement. He wasn't involved in any mafia works his husband and sons were doing. He was about call them when he saw Yoongi, his oldest son storming out of the house.

He was worried and about to follow him but his second son, Hoseok stopped him. "Don't worry, appa. I will get him." He smiled before went off to the direction Yoongi had gone. Jin sighed watching him.

Then two pair of arms suddenly wrapped around him. Jin smiled seeing his two beloved twins, Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin is the oldest twin and Taehyung is the youngest twin. "What did you cook appa?" Both were looking at Jin with puppy eyes. Jin chuckled kissing their forehead before breaking the hug.

"Well, I'm making some tteokbokki with ramen noodles. Would you two mind helping me setting up the dining table please?" They both nodded. "Okay appa!" They ran off to the dining room just next to the kitchen. Jin shook his head smiling at them. They might be adult now but they were still his babies.

Jin turned back to the counter and continue cooking. As he was washing the mushrooms to add into the ramen, he flinched as another pair of arms wrapped around him but relaxed knowing it was non other than his husband, Kim Namjoon. "It's me, honey." He whispered into the other's ear bitting it softly. Jin controlled himself not to moan. "J-Joon. They will see us." He whispered mentioning the twins.

Namjoon chuckled kissing his neck. "They're adult now." He kissed the other's jawline before just placing his chin on Jin's shoulder still back hugging him. Jin proceed on cutting the vegetables and placed them into the pot. "I saw Yoongi storming out earlier. Hoseok is with him. Something bad happened down there?" He gave the food one last stir before closing the gas. He turned around facing Namjoon as he let go of his wife.

He sighed. "Not really. I will tell you tonight. I promise." Jin smiled and kissed his cheek. "I trust you. Now, go call Hoseok to bring Yoongi home. Dinner is ready." He nodded before walking out of the kitchen. Jin wore the gloves and took the hot pot to the dining table. The twins and Namjoon already waiting on their seat.

After a while, Hoseok and Yoongi came with red eyes looking like they just cried. Jin want to ask but stopped himself. Might be Namjoon about it would tell it tonight. Everyone sat on their seat and eat their dinner.

At night,

Jin was sobbing in Namjoon arms on their bed as the other was soothing him. The other had told him everything and he can't help but cry knowing that they were step closer to find their son. Their youngest son was kidnapped by their enemy, Mr Kang when he was a two years old baby. Now the clue they had now is he might be in Busan.

"Shh, calm down, babe. I would sure bring him home soon. Tomorrow, me and our men would go searching to our base in Busan." Namjoon said rubbing my back. Jin shook his head and wiping his tears before looking up at him. "No, we will. I'm not going to stay here when I don't know what life has my son living in and I won't give up on whatever you want to say." Jin spoke looking straight at the other's eyes.

Namjoon smiled and pecked his lips. "Fine, we will all go. Now let's sleep." The other nodded before laying down with him. "Everything will be okay. We will find him." He reassured.


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