26. morganite

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"Farlan let's go back- why did you drag me here-" I stared at the heavy door leading to Levi's office.

i don't want to be here-

"You're the one who decided to apologize, I simply led you to Levi," Farlan shrugged, pushing me forward. "Go."

"I've decided to give up on apologies- misunderstandings and mistrust actually make relationships more interesting-" I began to back away from the door.

it's dynamic that way-


"Farlan," I turned, grabbing him by the shoulders, "I really appreciate everything you've done for me today- please go in there and tell your boss that I need more time."


"I owe you one-"

"Can the two of you stop screaming in front of the fucking door?" A sharp voice from inside the study called out, "enter if you have something to say."

oh god- oh fuck

"Farlan I'm going to be sick-" I looked back over at him, pleading.

can we both just call it quits and move on- i don't want to apologize anymore

"Lady Y/N had something to say to you," Farlan announced without a second of hesitation, taking advantage of my state of shock at his instant betrayal to shove me into the room and shut the door behind me.

"FARLAN WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME-" I shrieked, trying to force the door open to no avail.


"Stop struggling, it's embarrassing," Levi grumbled from behind me.

"I'm actually going to die."

"You're being dramatic," he sighed loudly.

well i guess now that i'm in here i should get it over with

"Levi-" I turned around to face him, my apology stopping in my throat as soon as I saw what he was doing.

"What do you want?" Levi sat at his desk, hunched over a crudely crafted necklace. The notable part of all of that was the pair of glasses perched on the bridge of my nose.

oh my god-

"You're gorgeous," I murmured, mouth agape, "I look totally amazing in that-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you," his/my brows furrowed as he spoke, only adding to the cold mysterious vibe that the glasses gave off.

"Where did you get those-" I came closer to get a better look, leaning over the desk to grab them off of my face.

"Give it back-" Levi grumbled, reaching out for them as I put them on.

"I didn't know you had something like this-" I hummed, holding them out in front of me. "I'm sure your fans would get a kick out of this."

"Stop playing around with those, they're fucking expensive."

"Oh come on, it's just a pair of glasses," I scoffed at him, putting them on. "See? Nothing bad is going to happen- you can always buy a new pa-" my voice faltered as my vision suddenly lit up with an array of different colors. "What the-"

"As I said, they're expensive, Levi sighed, grabbing them from me. "They're used to identify magical items."

"Ah," I looked them over, "interesting. So, what were you using them for?"

"The necklace, although I'm beginning to think that I spent a shit ton of money on something completely useless."

hmm- i wonder

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