79. epidote

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"You look weird," Levi pointed out as our carriage approached the palace for Prince Erwin's ball.


"You're so blunt," I chuckled, turning to look at him, "it's nothing- just something Historia and Ymir said the other day."

they're probably right

it would be best to talk about things before we have a misunderstanding

but still-

"Do you- want to talk about it?"


"The Levi Ackerman is asking me about my feelings?" I teased him to ease the tension, "ok- let's talk."

"You don't have to if you don't want to," he rolled his eyes, relaxing a bit.

"I do."

"Then I'll listen."

"Since when did you get this sweet?"

"I've always been nice, you've just been oblivious to it."

"You weren't nice to me."

"Neither were you."

"Ok- whatever- you're distracting me."

"You keep distracting yourself."

"We're so dysfunctional," I muttered, glancing out the window as the carriage slowed to a stop in front of the palace.

maybe this can wait

"What were you going to say?"

"I think we need to talk about what we-" the door swung open, revealing Farlan.


"Should I give you two a moment?" He asked, awkwardly shifting on his feet.


"No need," I looked over at Levi, "let's talk about it later."

"Are you sure?"

"Certain," I grabbed his hand, "are you ready?"

"Fuck no."

"Good," I grumbled, "I thought I was the only one."

honestly it would make me feel even more anxious if he was totally confident

"Shall we?" Levi helped me out of the carriage.

"Do I look fine?" I let him guide me towards the entrance.

if i look too good people will criticize me but-

"Yeah," he looked away from me, "you do."

then there's no reason to worry

"I don't know what I'm less prepared for, the reactions to you escorting me or all of the half hearted condolences I'm about to receive," I played with the black fabric of my dress. "I mean- all those people did was give him more unnecessary stress-"

if they really cared about my father's health and wellbeing they would have left him alone

"You should just tell them to fuck off."

"For so many reasons I can't."

"I know."

"You'll tell them to fuck off for me won't you?"

"I don't know," he teased, his voice lowering as we approached the ballroom, "what do I get out of it?"

"My undying love and affection?"

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