88. nepheline

192 22 16

"I'm exhausted," I sighed, leaning back in my seat. The show had ended and Petra had left, leaving Levi and I alone to watch the crowd filter out of the theater.

i think we got what we wanted

"That didn't end up being much of a break," he shook his head, glancing over at me. "What else do you have planned?"

"A nap?"

"That sounds good."

i think i'm too tired to do anything else

as much as dinner sounds nice

eating at home and going immediately to sleep sounds amazing

"I feel bad for her," I muttered, "when we find everything- what's going to happen to her?"

she seemed completely in the dark

but still

i'm sure she thinks she knows him to some extent- cares about him even if that's mostly out of self interest

it's hard for a low ranking noblewoman to stay single

i can thank my family name for my relative freedom

"We don't even know what we'll find yet," Levi reminded, "and once we do know we'll have plenty of time to figure out the best approach."


"Should we leave?" I glanced around the near empty theater.


i'm ready for that nap

"When this is over let's go visit Hanji," I hummed, flopping down onto a couch. The carriage ride had passed quickly, and the two of us had promptly collapsed onto one of the sitting room couches.

i'd like to go back to the woods under less traumatic circumstances

"I know you don't want to hear it but-"

"I'm too tired to argue, just say it," I groaned, burying my face into a cushion.

i don't think it will change much

"You're worried about Petra aren't you?"


"Couldn't magic give her the safety net she needs?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Keeping it locked away is a waste of resources," he grumbled, "think of all the innovation- all of the shit you could change about this world if you just opened it up into the world."

it really isn't that simple

"Think about the people who could take advantage of it."

"Impose regulations," Levi rolled his eyes, "it's a waste."

"I still don't see how this could benefit Petra."

"You could equip people like her in shitty situations with the skills and knowledge necessary to utilize resources from the forest before you open it up to the world," he explained. "Give her something to fall back upon if Floch does end up being the one behind all of this."

he has a point

"I still think there are issues with that plan."

"Of course you do."

"Well don't be mean about it."

"I didn't mean to."

"Come here," I gestured to the spot next to me, "what would you do with it?"

"I don't want you to make an exception just for me, I'd feel shitty, and there isn't really a point if I'm the only one."

"Just tell me."



"I spoke with Hanji," he started, "about altering the necklace, the one that makes you invisible."

"You want to replicate it?" I reached for his hand, "I don't know why I expected it to be something else."

"Not just that-" he cut me off, "it's strong for getting out of tight situations but if you were caught off guard it would be functionally useless."


"I'd like to create additional defensive capabilities- a shield."

that would be convenient

"That's-" I hesitated, "not what I was expecting."

it's very practical

"I'd like to minimize the risk of either of us dying from being pushed off a shitty balcony."

that sounds good

"No complaints here."

still i don't know why i thought he would go for something a little more fantastical

"I expected something else," I hummed.


"The ability to change your appearance at will? A tool that allows you to get rid of the need for sleep? The ability to stop time? I don't know- something totally out of this world."

the shield is incredibly practical- just not what i would expect him to make

i mean he constantly talks about the unlimited potential of magic

it seems like an extremely limited tool

"Someone else can make that- I'm not interested in that shit."


"Then-" I frowned at him, "why do you like magic so much?"

is it weird that i never thought to ask?

"The same reason anyone likes it, idiot. It makes the impossible possible."

i guess you're right but-

"I think that the impossible that most people are interested in is different from what you're describing." I poked him, "when I was little I loved magic because I wanted to fly."

let's be honest i still like it because i want to fly

"You could," he urged.


"I guess- but this isn't about me- it's about you and your weird choice in magical item."

i just want to know why

"I don't think it's that strange," Levi shrugged, squeezing my hand. "I'd like to avoid shitty situations."


"It's just interesting that out of anything in the world, that's the first thing that you would want."

i think wings would be fun for starters

"If I didn't have to worry about someone attacking me I would have the time to think about other things."


"Should we go back to Hanji? I'm sure she would make it for you."

she seemed to really like levi

"Sounds like you're making an exception."

"I'm not just-"

"Don't pity me- just go to sleep."

"Should we?"

"I thought you were tired."

"I am- I just-"

feels a bit awkward to say it now


"I think I love you."

"I know I do."


mwah mwah mwah

- ami

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