55. chloride

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"You won't have long once you take it," Levi reminded me, "we'll have to go in together and wait until it wears off to leave."

"Right," I nodded, "my father's chambers span several rooms, you'll stay in the waiting room and I'll run back to you before the effect disappears."

that's the plan anyway

"Fifteen minutes."

that's enough time

"How do you know that?" I asked absentmindedly, flipping open the pocket watch that Levi had loaned me for the moment.

are you just guessing?

"I tested it."

"You did?"

"That's the only one I have left," he gestured toward the small vial, "I made two, tried one and turned into the person who I was thinking of at that time."


"You made this?" I held it up to the light, studying the ever shifting liquid.

"Before you get preachy about it I got the materials from Erwin- something the crown had- I didn't steal," Levi snapped back defensively.

hold on

"I wasn't going to 'get preachy about it,'" I rolled my eyes at him. "It's cool- I didn't know you made things, just thought you were a collector."

he's ambitious

i can't tell if i admire it or-

wish he would set his ambitions on something possible

"'It's cool'?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "no one taught you how to make it- you just did- because you wanted to- that's cool."

i can't think of a time i did something like that

"Thanks," he nodded stiffly, awkwardly accepting the compliment. "Well- you're cool too I guess."

OH ??

"THE LEVI ACKERMAN THINKS I'M COOL?" I gasped loudly, throwing my head back dramatically. "Do tell? What makes me cool?"

i mean i know i'm cool but-

"I'm not fucking doing this," Levi sighed loudly, "accept the compliment and move on."

"Wow- I'm beginning to think that you said something you didn't mean," I shook my head at him- "it's disappointing, I'm disappointed."

it's ok levi i keep my expectations for you VERY low

it's enough for me if you aren't attacking me outright

i mean- i'm going to find something to complain about but that's just who i am <3

"You're confident," he muttered, avoiding my eyes like the plague, "and- aside from all the times you decide to be a fucking idiot- you fight for the things you want. That's cool."


"You sound like you love me or something," I fought to hide my smile. "Thanks Levi, I was just joking- you didn't have to say all that. I mean- I appreciate it regardless- means a lot coming from you."

"Forget I said anything," Levi sighed. "Stop goading me into shit."

"Stop falling for it."

"Are we going to do this?"

entangle (levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now