87. celestite

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"Do you come to events like these often?" I asked- gesturing for Petra to make herself comfortable.

"Occasionally," she mumbled, still glancing anxiously between the two of us. "Do you?"

not really

i mostly wanted to see what levi would be like in a situation like this

but the date plans have been shelved

i'll have to get him flustered another day

it's ok

"We're taking a break from work," Levi answered coolly.

ok sir.. i thought we were trying to appeal to her

"Is this show popular? I've been out of the city for so long I'm a bit behind on current trends," I cut in- leaning closer to Petra.

she looks tired

"Oh!" She seemed a bit taken aback but quickly smoothed over her features with a smile, "it has been- I'm only here because it was brought up at a small gathering a few days ago."

"I hope we didn't steal you away from anyone," I hummed.

"Oh no- I'm here alone," she muttered, staring out at the stage. "I feel like I should be apologizing."

no way

"We invited you here- don't apologize."

besides levi seems like the kind of person who would get upset at me for talking to him during the show

"Right," an uneasy silence fell over the three of us as she trailed off, picking at the armrest of her seat.

ok this isn't going anywhere

"You're engaged to Marquess Forster aren't you?" I asked, glancing at Levi as I spoke.

would it be better to just cut to the chase?

"That's right," Petra frowned slightly, looking over at me. "For a while now, why?"

"I was just curious, I spoke to him at the ball, but didn't see you."

"Oh," she shifted awkwardly in her seat, "I must have been with my friends."

yeah that doesn't seem like the truth

he certainly wasn't acting like he was engaged

i wonder how she feels about him

"You've been engaged for a while?" Levi broke his silence- cutting into the tense conversation, "you must know him well."

"You could say that," she appeared to shrink back a bit- sizing us up.

ok we need to change tactics

"Honestly Lady Ral, we're just curious about the kind of person he is," I eyed Levi to play along. "He mentioned wanting to form some kind of business deal at the ball, the two of us were a bit hesitant to formally agree before learning more about him."

"Is that all?" The tension appeared to visibly relax from her shoulders, "in that case wouldn't it be better to ask someone else? Won't I be biased as his fiance?"

well yeah but we're hoping that you hate him

pretty please


"I didn't think it would be an issue," I shook my head, "unless you think there's a reason why consulting a second opinion would get us a different answer?"

"No-" she hurriedly shook her head. "I still think you should ask someone else, I'm afraid I know very little about my fiance's businesses."

"I think my partner wants to know about his character," Levi nodded at me, "whatever you have to say will be enough."

nice one

"That's right! It's nothing serious- just something to put my mind at ease."

it shouldn't be that difficult

"Truth be told we haven't met since the ball," she muttered, glancing around for eavesdroppers. "So I don't really know what to tell you, I haven't heard him speak about any business deal."

well... that's bc it isn't real

"Oh no!" I gasped, feigning concern, "I'm sorry if we put you into an uncomfortable position- I just thought you would know something- we'll compensate you for your time-"

"No-" she waved her hands around, dispelling my concern. "Don't apologize- it's an arranged marriage anyway," she looked between the two of us. "I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful."

that's ok

"It's ok," I shook my head, "you should stay here for the rest of the performance- as an apology for wasting your time."

not that i actually think she wants so stay here but there might be some benefit in holding her socially hostage for a bit longer


"We insist," Levi looked to me for approval.


for once levi uses his clout to benefit me


"Alright," Petra gave in, "I'll stay."

"Make yourself comfortable-" I gestured to the array of drinks and snacks that had been brought over for us. "I'd actually like to get to know you more, so ask any questions you have."

i do feel kinda bad that she's caught up in this

it doesn't seem like she knows what's going on

we're stressing her out

"How long will you be here?" Petra asked, beginning to make herself a small plate.

who knows

"Probably not much longer than a season, I can't be away from the Marquisate for long."

"Oh right," her expression darkened slightly, "I'm sorry to hear about your father."

it's ok

"It wasn't your fault," I shook my head, forcing a smile. "I can't let it stop me."

but once this is all over

i feel like it might hurt a little bit more

it's hard to properly mourn when you're trying to chase down your murderer

"You know," she turned to look at me, eyes searching for something. "I don't know much about my fiance's business- but- I'd hate for you to get wrapped up in something so close to the death of your father."


"I'll try to figure out what he has planned."

"Thank you."

you don't know how important this could be


petra ral doesn't deserve any of the hate she gets.... she is just a girl.... #JusticeForPetra

- ami

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