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Well here it is! As promised; my Connor Franta POV fanfiction, "To be Frantastic."

Now, there's a couple of things I should probably say about this story:

1) First and foremost, I wrote this story with two puposes in mind. The first one is to give a form to my convulated and outrageous theory on why Connor left O2L in year 2014, regarding his supposed deppression that was rumored about when he did back in the day. The other is to try to describe my personal observations on deppresion and how it affects people and their lifestyle. So it's pretty much an experimental work.

2) This is not a tronnor fanfiction. Yes, Troye is a prominent character within it and he proves to be one of the main protagonists of the story as well, but the story in itself does not revolve around Connor and Troye developing a romantic relationship.

3) There is, although minor and not very detailed, self-inflicted harm in this story. I will not leave trigger warnings about, because I don't think it's really that necessary. Even though it is implied that such an event occurs during the story, it is by no means described in any morbid or traumatizing way. So consider this a pre-warning, just in case. I would be more concerned in regard to the thoughts described in Connor's monologues throughout the story rather than on the actions they partake.

4) Please try to enjoy this as much as possible. Even though it's sad for the mostpart, I think there are several messages throughout it that reflect on the good things that people like Connor teach us every day. His story in itself is inspiring, and even though this is just a work of fiction and is by no means based on any true events whatsoever (like I could somehow come up with that information), this is in no way an allusion to what truly happened during the time of these events. This entire work was a product of supposition, hours of writing and lack of sleep (perfect formula, trust me).

So, with that said...

I, Coffee, invite you into the realm of "To be Frantastic" :)

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