Chapter 8: Foggy city lights

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-"Attention all passengers boarding flights LX102012, headed to San Francisco, please advance to boarding gate B08..."—spoke the lady's voice through the intercom.

-"That's our cue!"—Tyler said, speaking to the camera on his hand—"We gotta go, but we'll see ya'll once we're in SanFran! Du-baiiiiiiiii!"

Tyler stopped recording to immediately after watch the footage he had just made. He may not show this on his videos, but when it comes down to vloggig, he is paranoid. Every single detail must be perfect.

-"Augh...! Oh my God! My hair is not working with me in this video!"—he said, and started trying to restyle his hair with his bare hands—"Why didn't you tell me anything, Connie!?"

-"To be quite honest, I think you hair's fine"—I said between laughs—", it's just that you are too paranoid about it."

Tyler gave me a death glare.

-"I am not paranoid! You know what? I've had it with you. Withdraw yourself, peasant."

-"Yeah, right... let's get going, the boarding gate is this way."

I stood up and walked away, pulling my carry-on bag with me, and Tyler stepping on my shoes.

-"Hey!"—he said, pretending offense—"You don't get to stand up and leave me without a proper apology for your sass!"

-"Oh, so I'm being sassy?"

-"Oh, go—-go—-go—-GO EAT A PICKLE!"

We both were laughing our asses off at this point. Our little fake arguments were always this stupid, but never this public. I'm actually surprised nobody had stopped us to ask if we were high on acid.

-"Go eat a pickle!? Are you out of insults!?"

-"Oh, shut it..."

Tyler and I are heading towards San Francisco together. Why, you ask? Well, it's an interesting story... you see, Troye won a trip to the Twitter headquarters, which are in San Fran, and he was allowed to bring three people with him. So, well...

-"I still can't believe he asked us to join him!"—Tyler said when we took our seats in the boarding gate's waiting lounge—"I mean out of all people. Can you believe that? It says a lot about Troye! He really appreciates us!"

-"Yeah"—I said, trying my best not to look upset—", he really does..."

And you see I know that Troye appreciates us. When he asked me to come over to this little trip about two weeks ago (he was wetting his pants from the nerves, I can tell you that much), he kept going on and on about how he felt that he and I had gotten a lot closer in the past few months, and that he wanted to get to spend more time with me. But he also kept saying that if I didn't feel comfortable going with him and Tyler since they are gay, that I could just say no and don't even worry about it because he completely understood and he wouldn't mind.

To me, it was a no brainer... and still a very tough choice. Not because of Tyler and Troye's sexualities, like I could care less about that. I pride myself of being their friend, and that's never going to change. But I still felt like maybe Troye does appreciate me a little bit too much. It's already a daily struggle trying not to piss off my roommates. I can tell that they are wondering about my health. Jc and Kian keep their distance from me, which is their way of minding their own business. Ricky, on the other hand, keeps trying to make plans with me and cancelling at last minute, always having some sort of O2L meeting (he is like our speaker of sorts) or something else coming up, usually turning out to be hanging out with Kian. So, carrying the pills with me everywhere, I can't help but fear that I may scare Troye off from being friends with me.

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