Session #2: Shame

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-"Have I ever told you that you have really pretty eyes?"—asked Dr. Kellerman, to my surprise—"Green is one of my favorite colors."

Not really knowing what to say, I simply nodded. Today it was strangely dark outside, especially for LA.

-"In fact, I think you are really handsome, Connor."—she said—"You've probably been told that many times before, though."

I just nodded once again. The red headed doctor kept on writing down notes. Where is she going with this?

-"Connor... why are you so ashamed?"—she asked.


-"Well, I've complimented you a couple of times, but you have not replied back. Don't you like the way you look?"

-"I... I have never prided myself over looks, if that's what you mean."

-"Connor, let me tell you a secret."—she stopped her writing and gave me a serious look—"We are all allowed to like ourselves, and to enjoy being complimented by people."

She stood up and walked closer to me, and took a seat in one of the many chairs in the office.

-"Is it ok if I ask you something, Connor?"

-"You call, doc..."

-"Have you told anyone about the pills?"

I froze. I felt my skin tingling, and I felt my arm hairs standing. Of course I did not expect her to ask me that question. This was something... strange. I knew I was afraid to tell anyone about the pills, or the depression, or anything about this whole situation for the matter. But all this time, I figured it was because I was afraid of how people would react, I hadn't thought about... shame...

-"Of course I have told someone about the pills, doc!"—I said, pretending not to give it much thought—"My roommates and my family all know. They have been really understanding."

And I bet that if I had actually told them, they probably would be. But for now, I prefer to keep this to myself. It is, after all... embarrassing.

-"Remember, Connor"—she concluded—", what matters most is for you to feel good about yourself and what you have. You must remember, you are allowed to love everything about yourself."

I gave her a sad look.

-"Even the bad parts?"—I asked.

-"Especially the bad parts."

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