Chapter 14: Zoe's invitation

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-"Just make sure to have fun for all of us!"—Ricky said on the other end of the telephone line as he talked to me—"Since we won't be able to go there with you, at least promise to have a good time! Take loads of pictures!"

-"I still don't feel too good for coming here all on my own..."—I told him as I took my window seat on the flight—"I mean, I form part of all O2L. We're a team, we're supposed to do this things together..."

-"Mph, Don't be so humble, Con da Bon. We all know you got invited for your personal achievements on YouTube. Seriously, it's cool, you deserve it way more than any of us."

-"I don't know..."

-"Well I do! Now stop fishing for compliments, don't be such a girl... Just promise to keep in touch would'ya?"

-"... Yes. Yes of course."

-"Besides, we're all going together for Digifest London! And that's pretty soon, too, you know? And that's always fun!"

-"Hahaha... yeah that's true..."

I was not really paying much attention, so when a flight stewardess came towards me and told me to turn off my phone because the plane was about to take off, I didn't realize she was talking to me at first. But after she had gone through a couple of tries I had to make some effort of my own.

-"We're about to take off, sir."—she told me, with that eternal smile every stewardess is meant to have at all times—"It would be much appreciated if you could turn off your phone."

-"Yes, I will, I'm so sorry... Ricky that's my cue. I have to hang up."

-"Gotcha. Be sure to tweet me or somethin' as soon as you get there. I do suppose the Italian airport has Wifi...?"

-"I sure do hope so..."

At that, I hung up the phone and gave out a sigh as my flight took off. Surprisingly, nobody took the seats besides me. In a way it was good, since I have the whole row for myself so that I could take a nap. Or two.

You may be wondering what's going on? Well, long story short, about a month ago I received an official invitation to the first ItaTube convention. It's like Vidcon, only that it takes place in Italy. This is the first year, and it's going to take place in Milan. The thing is that I got invited, but nobody else from O2L did.

At first I didn't want to go, but literally everyone insisted that I did! First it was Troye, who was attending as well, and said he missed me. To be honest I missed him too, but we do Skype almost every day now. But meeting a person is different than talking over Skype anyway... Then the rest of O2L kept on insisted that I go! They all said that I needed a "break" from all of them! Can you imagine that...!? ... Of course you can.

-"It's just that you seem to get all so cranky lately."—Jc had said—"You need to have a mini vacation type of thingy."

-"Yeah, what he said!"—said Kian—"Go hang out with some of the Brits for a while! You see our faces all the bloody time..."

-"You're missing an AMAZING chance OVER MY DEAD BODY, CONNOR!"—Ricky had said. His statement was the winner one of course.

Tyler was already in Italy, but I'm not arriving for the first day of the convention. Turns out I'm sort of a "surprise" for the attendees. My channel's popularity keeps overwhelming me by the day, and I just can't figure out why. Why do people still watch me? I wouldn't watch me. I see the videos I post every Monday and I don't know how to like them anymore. I'm slacking, I'm losing the one thing that I used to have when making YouTube videos from a very beginning.

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