Chapter 12: Take care of yourself

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-"Cheers!"—said Ricky, as he raised his drink.

-"For a FLAWLESS first tour show!"—said Trevor, as he raised his diet coke.

-"And for all the many more to come!"—I said, raising my drink, soon followed by everyone else on the table, as we toasted.

Last night was a success.

You should have been there to know what I mean. Well, you might have been there after all, technically you live inside my head. But I mean... it was outstanding. The crowd, the screams, the flashing lights. It's not like being Hollywood famous, God no, that's a different level of everything. But happiness. Everyone who attended was so happy. I can say for sure I felt so happy to see all of their faces. Overwhelming? Yes, certainly, but here's the thing; I feel like I am alive when I put a smile on people's faces. When I am told that I have helped someone. When I feel like I have done something good. All of their happiness is the greatest gift I can be given.

And so must be the case for the rest of the crew, because we are all so happy and celebrating this fine moment. I do have to admit though; we'll have to work hard to make every single show as cool as this one. All of the others don't start for another couple months, so we'll have even more time to prepare. But for tonight, we are all winners.

-"Ehem... guys? Everyone? May I have your attention?"—said Jc, as I was driven back to reality.

He was for some reason standing up on his feet, while the rest of us were all sitting down around the table we were meant to have dinner in a couple of minutes. We had picked this semi fancy restaurant to celebrate the first show. We're still in Hawaii after all, might as well enjoy it. Jc cleared his throat before he continued speaking, like when he does when he's nervous.

-"So, as all of you probably... eh... suspected..."—Jc said as he started blushing, while Lia on his right was giggling—"I am lucky enough to have caught the attention of the most amazing girl I have ever met."

At this point we all had to awe a bit. Jc had managed to keep his cool, but now it was Lia who blushed uncontrollably.

-"And I've been a nervous wreck the past few weeks because well, I didn't know if she'd give me a chance."—Jc said—"But today after the show, I was rushing with adrenaline and got the hype... So I took her on a walk by the beach, and asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend."

At this point, Lia stood up, took Jc's hand in hers and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. The kind of kisses that actually mean something. Not the superficial ones, the ones that try to keep you close even for a little bit longer, or bid you a heartfelt farewell.

-"And I said yes."—Lia announced.

Needless to say everyone started congratulating the couple, including myself. They were pretty nervous still because Lia is about five years younger than Jc, almost six, and the last thing they wanted was people of the fandom talking. Which if they find out will happen definitely, so we all agreed to keep our mouths quiet.

I couldn't help but notice how nostalgic Andrea looked during the whole dinner. Ever since Jc and Lia openly announced their relationship, she had been zoning out and looking at Kian, who was sitting at her left. She kept looking and looking, barely eating anything at all. At some point we crossed eyes. It was very hard to tell what she was thinking, but it definitely was something sad. I know those eyes. I think that I wanted to tell her that soon it was going to be over, and we were all going back to LA. I didn't know how to tell her that. Not in front of everyone of course, so all I managed to do was mouth a voiceless "It's OK.". She smiled and replied with a silent nod, eventually saying "I know" under her breath.

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