· Servant is My Name ·

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Your stomach twisted and you cupped a hand over your mouth, dashing over to a bin for trash and hurling your empty stomach acid into the can. Uraume went back to their preparations before speaking again.

"Half of our offerings come from the dead." They started, picking up some cloth to protect their hands from the handles.

"Some are still living when we receive them, and it really depends on Sukuna's mood whether to kill them on the spot or not. But, this is what most of the meat comes from. Women and children are the protein that he eats."

The gagging noises soon ended when the churning in your gut resided, wiping your lips clean of vomit on the back of your sleeve as you came up for air. "He's a cannibal?"

"I don't know if you can call him a cannibal now, since he's a curse."

Flashes of your burning village swirled in your mind as your eyes landed on the cooking meat. The smell is sickeningly delicious on your nose, but tearing your eyes away from the slab to the counter with all you can muster made you sick.

"Here," Uraume lifted a piece of cooked meat up to your lips. "You're weak. Eat it."

"Uh.." You stuttered, eyes growing wide at the offering. "Is it human too?"

"No, it's beef. I cook more than a human, darling."

Taking a small breath, you took the morsel in your mouth and cooed at the flavors pooling down your throat. The seasoning was perfect and cooked to a nice medium rare that was soothing to the pallet.

It was just a bite, but you wanted a whole plate.

"Better?" Uraume asked, picking up the pot and stirring some noodles with the broth.

"Yes, very much, thank you."

"You're welcome, Y/n."

As you silently helped Uraume with preparing Sukuna's dinner - slowly learning how to cook which things properly - you were finally told to go into the dining area around the corner and set the table.

"I'll be right back then." You bowed, heading off towards the dining room.

Uraume had given you easy directions to the area, and you found it in a manner of a few short minutes. Once there, you quickly took in the Japanese theme of your surroundings before setting up the table and utensils.

Small banners -or flags, you presumed- hung from the ceiling with splashes of blood near the ends of each.

So far, it's not that bad here.. Feeling out the wound in the back of your head, you rubbed the spot gently before wincing at the ache. Other than that, of course.

"Servant." Sukuna's rough voice alerted you, forcing you to look up and meet your gaze with him.

His brows furrowed. "You're supposed to be helping Uraume."

"They said to come in here and set the table.." You whimpered, twirling your thumbs together and standing quickly.

Sukuna snorted, walking over to the large pillow placed at your feet and took a seat. Running a hand through his pink hair, he waved you off and told you to help your partner. Rushing off to the kitchen again, you nearly collided with Uraume as they pushed a cart full of food to the table.

"Oh- hello." They stammered out, the look of shock being the one look of emotion on their face since you arrived.

Dinner went by in a haze; Sukuna said that you were going to officially start learning from Uraume tomorrow morning and to wake up early so you could get a head start sooner.

Lost Lamb /True form! Sukuna x fem!reader/ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now