🔞 · Caught Red-Handed · 🔞

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Warnings: Mature content, sexual content, masturbation. No one under the age of 17 may read. -

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Just as quickly as they entered, they left. The slam of the shrine’s door echoed throughout the large temple as Uraume handed Sukuna the large scroll.

It was a simple leather-cased one, like many Sukuna’s seen before, with black ink for the writing. The list was filled with types of cattle like sheep, cows, and pigs, while the items were gold, or treasure that their adventurers would collect from travels. All the things Sukuna didn’t really need.

Whatever, I’ve canceled plenty of deals before.

“Never mind them,” Sukuna said, shredding the list before him with a few easy tears. “I don’t mind their cattle or jewels; they can be replaced.”

“Of course,” Uraume said, bowing and heading down the throne’s stairs. The clacking of bones under their feet as they descended them until they reached the cool, marble floor.

The quiet pattering of feet being heard as Sukuna’s subordinate left, heading towards the kitchen. Probably to begin dinner..

“Oh well, I’ve been a little hungry anyways.”

After entering the dining hall, Sukuna sat at his spot at the end of the table. Patiently waiting for you to come scurrying in with your little monk outfit and a flushed smile on your face. Sukuna gaining one of his own at the thought of you, flustered and warm.

He could barely help holding himself back whenever he saw you. Earlier was an even harder time to try; thankfully though, it ended quickly just as soon as it started. Being the his safer headspace, Sukuna agreed with himself that this was far better.

Being near you and not in you for now would satisfy him greatly.

“Sukuna, dinner is ready,” A voice cooed from the entryway. It was you, of course. “We’re not going to have as big of a dinner, if that’s fine?”

“It’s fine, as long as you prepare it,” He said, the smile still on his face as your cheeks tinted a rosy pink. So cute..~

You gave a short bow, heading off into the kitchen— Sukuna assumed, to help Uraume. It wasn’t long until you and your former colleague came into the room with a few plates. Some full of chicken balls topped with a spicy sauce and bits of cheese, and others where little salads with different kinds of vegetables.

There was one plate, however, that was filled with small tarts.

The dusted desserts looked delicious, Sukuna couldn’t wait to try them. Though, every time he’d attempt to grab one, you or Uraume would swat at his hand and tell him they were for after he finished his meal.

“Don’t slap me again!” Sukuna ordered, looking at Uraume with furry and annoyance.

“Don’t try and eat one of the tarts again!” They retorted, the same fire and annoyance burning in their eyes. “Dessert never goes before dinner!”

You were giggling like a child on your side of the table, having already finished your meal a while ago and enjoying the little tithe between them. Even as the night went on, Sukuna still attempted to snatch a dessert only to get a swat from the white and red haired little monk.

Soon though, the large cursed spirit finished his meal and began devouring the little treats. The powder covering his fingers and face as if he was a kid in a candy store. You couldn’t help but smile, watching the glutton enjoy the snacks.

The ones you had prepared while Sukuna was away.

Feeling proud you had finally finished a personal snack you had made, you decided it’d be best to go to him. He loved sweets just as much as you and you felt it was only a good thing to do. Besides, you could always make more for him and you if there was ever any need for them.

Maybe I’ll make some later on tonight?

“Finished?” You asked as Sukuna finally cleaned his face off, forgetting the powder covering his chest and collarbone.

He gave a nod after cleaning up and stood, staring down at the plates as Uraume moved to collect them. Though, as if he was going to say something, stopped short and just shook his head. Leaving the dining hall quickly and heading towards his room. You stayed behind for a while to help with dishes and cleaning before going to your new room.

“What’s mine, is yours now, Y/n.”

You bumped into Sukuna on his way to the showers, blushing almost immediately as you both waved and continued to where you were going. Getting changed into some nightwear, you climbed into Sukuna’s large bed and waited for him patiently as he showered. Though, something inside you was stirring up again, the need to touch.

But I can’t! Sukuna’s going to come into the room at any moment!

He’s not going to mind.. That little devil on your shoulder whispered, a weak throb beginning to take place in your core. Sukuna is showering right now, he’d take forever before getting back to the bedroom..

The thoughts of Sukuna in the shower made the weak throb turn into a bigger pulsation, your aching body wanting attention as you continued to imagine.

Sukuna’s pink hair and the way it’d stick to his forehead when damp. How his muscles looked all slick with water, the tattoos painted into his skin and the glimmer they’d give off. As the thoughts continued, your hand began to explore.

Going down, down down.

Rubbing your inner thighs as your eyes closed, spreading your legs little by little as your fingers began to trace over that little button you’d learned a while ago. Rubbing circles around it, imagining it was Sukuna’s finger instead..

or his tongue.

"Nghh.." You mewled, covering your mouth quickly and whimpering against it.

Wanting your hand to be Sukuna’s tongue was something you never thought of until now! Why so sudden?!

But, it was so.. good. To think about Sukuna’s face flushed between your thighs, licking and kissing your tummy and skin as if to decorate it. The low noises of your wetness continued to grow, only a few mewls or moans leaving you in the short time frame.

"Ha.. ah! S-Sukuna.. mmn..!"

Your fingers moved furiously, trying to reach that little spot inside that’d make you finish. Images of your lover spurring you on as those final thoughts of Sukuna and them entered the threshold. How large and soft they were.

Thinking of Sukuna entering you and teasing her, playing with your sensitivity until you finally finished. Your body is shaking and your thighs are weak, fingers covered in your warm slick. But then..

There was a creak.

A hum.

And then finally, a low and amused chuckle.

“Y/n, what are you doing?"

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Lost Lamb /True form! Sukuna x fem!reader/ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now