🔞 · My Little Lamb.. · 🔞

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Warnings: Mature content, sexual content. This is the full chapter from Tumblr so it's a little long. -

No one under the age of 17 may read.

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“Y/n, what are you doing?"

The low voice, the dangerous hiss of seduction.

Sukuna was back.

Hearing that door open, seeing his eyes glow that lustful and hormone driven gaze, you knew Sukuna was going to do something, but it wasn’t what you expected.

You had expected him to grab and bite everywhere, to rub and suck harshly. But no.

He sat on the bed, in nothing but a towel, and placed you in his lap. The smile on his face showing no anger or annoyance, just calm; patience even.

“I-I’m so sorry,” You muttered, your hands against Sukuna’s chest. Your slick-covered palm pressing against his pecs, desperate to clean it off. “Uhm.. My hand is all dirty.. I could just use your towel to-”

“No need,” Sukuna interrupted, taking hold of your small hand, licking his lips in a devilish manner and flustering you. “I’ll clean it up.”

“What do you mean-”

Sukuna lifted your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles before letting his tongue lap at your fingertips. Cleaning and sucking on your small fingers, your cheeks reddening as he did so. You mewled, feeling his tongue and hot mouth wrapping around each digit, his pink muscle delving down to your palm too.

“S-Sukuna..” You mumbled, watching his cheeks tint pink at the mention of his name. Was he embarrassed too?

“All clean,” Sukuna finally said, licking his lips again to clean all the excess. He gave a satisfied hum and looked up at you, his lower set of hands trailing up your outer thighs and resting comfortably at your hips.

“You taste wonderful, little lamb. I think I’d like more, if that’s alright?”

S-Stay strong, Y/n! He’s just testing you!

“I-It’s fine..!” You said, blushing up a storm as Sukuna’s chuckles rattled your soul. He’s such a good tease..

“Good,” He said, placing your hand on his shoulder again, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles and kissing your cheek. “Do you mind laying down for me? I can teach you how to use that pretty little flower better.”

“F-Flower..? Uhm, sure..” You whimpered, unable to focus on Sukuna’s words as his thumb had begun tracing small circles on your thighs. “Wait, what about Uraume?”

“They’re most likely asleep or in the library. They won’t hear us, and their duties for me are done for the day. We’re safe in here.”

You gave a slow nod, signalling he could continue after he confirmed that your former co-worker was away. Sukuna sat up and laid you down, climbing up over you again like before. The small smile on his face kind and irregularly calm as he began lowering his head and kissing your forehead.

“May I kiss you, love?”


Warm and soft lips against yours as Sukuna pressed down into you, the bed letting out a soft groan at the pressure before Sukuna came up for air. “I’m not too heavy, am I?”

“No, you’re fine,” You said, the need for more kisses and touch getting to you. “C-Can you keep doing that?”

The King chuckled, kissing you once again as his hands began to wander. Rubbing your thighs slowly, kissing your lips as they traced circles in multiple places, playing with your senses again. It was so good..

Lost Lamb /True form! Sukuna x fem!reader/ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now