· Embarrassing Eyeful ·

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The birds were chirping, the sun was out and warming the sunshine dew on the fresh blades of grass. The sky was a perfectly clear blue and the clouds were fluffy and clear white.

It was the perfect morning; everything felt right, calm, and peaceful.

So, you decided to go and wake Sukuna up and ask for a morning walk with him; hoping in your heart he’d say yes and not choke you to death. You had quickly gotten dressed in a light kimono that was dyed a pale violet color.

There was a dark purple bow tying around your waist with blue flower patterns covering the arms and trimming. Personally, you thought the kimono was cute and wanted to buy it the last time you went to the village with Sukuna.

You had gone twice more since your first trip, and you had soon gotten used to these random shopping errands with him.

So, making your way to the bedroom, you bumped into Uraume who had decided to wear something besides their normal monk outfit.

It was a softer, pink kimono that had little white sakura flowers decorating the ends and middle. Her wasit was covered by a velvet and white bow that tied at the back and her top was white. It showed more of their figure off but it’s not like you were about to complain.

“U-Uraume, you look..” You couldn’t help the heat that creeped into your cheeks. “You look amazing today, Uraume.”

“Oh, thank you,” They smiled, hiding their face from your view.

Are they blushing?

“S-So, are you going to wake up Lord Sukuna?” They asked, fanning themselves and turning back to you. “He should be up around now, but I think he decided it’d be best to sleep in for a little.”

“Yes, I was actually.” You responded, nodding to confirm and bowed. “I’ll make sure to wake him up. I’ll come help with breakfast too once I’ve gotten him into the baths.”

Uraume gave a quick nod, smiling and starting to head off towards the back of the shrine where a secret place they visited often was kept. You didn’t want to ask what was back there, so you kept the curiosity to yourself and left the mystery be.

When you finally made it over to Sukuna’s room, you noticed his doors were propped open. Which was a little odd, considering the fact he doesn’t like random stop ins by his servants during the day, but you pushed the large barrier open regardless and poked your head inside.

Your eyes were hit with a beam of light that shot through the towering windows on either side of Sukuna’s bed. The blinds were pulled back just the slightest and let the fresh morning air circulate into the stuffy dark room. Refreshing the cabinets bright paint full of large clothing, belongings and other assorted items that belonged to the King of Curses.

Quietly, you crept into the room and took in the surroundings, stepping on the soft fur of the hunted and bought bear skins that rested on the floors.

They were a little worn for wear, but you still found the gentle tuffs nice against your feet.

Oddly enough, once you finally got yourself closer to Sukuna’s resting body, you found one of the astrology books you were reading a night ago resting on Sukuna’s nightstand. But, you didn’t take much interest in the matter as you had more important things to worry about.

“Master? Master, it’s time to get up.” Your voice was quiet, though to you, it sounded like you were yelling. “Lord Sukuna?”

His calm snores evidence he didn’t even crack an eye open made you pout, climbing up into the bed beside him and glaring down at him. Sukuna’s sleeping face was rather calm, but that wasn’t what made you blush, it was his large hands resting next to his face.

Lost Lamb /True form! Sukuna x fem!reader/ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now