· A Festival Outing? ·

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Weeks had passed since the death of that horrible creature that appeared at the hot springs. Weeks have passed since your moments that were shared in the bathroom.

Weeks had gone by when you realized how you felt.

Those little flustered shudders you made when Sukuna passed you in the hallways. Or when you thought about his smile or the way his hands gently caressed your cheeks. Even those little split seconds where Sukuna's annoyance was ticked and he pinched your chin to make you look up at him.

Your heart fluttering every moment you spent around him.

And that morning didn't help. Seeing as you woke him up everyday after a bath, your mind simply drew a blank when you entered the Kings room and found him missing. Only to find he had been in his throne for the last hour, waiting.

..for you.

"Sire, you should be in bed!" You said, wrapping your body up in your night robes. "Why're you up so early?"

"I have a few questions for you, Y/n."

Heart skipped, watching his multiple arms flex. Although you should be paying attention, you found your mind distracted by the simple pulsing of veins that decorated the curse's hands and arms. Of course, your constant mental nagging forced you to focus on the King and not on those amazingly attractive biceps and hands.

Finding his hands and arms attractive was a bit of an understatement with how your dreams have been playing recently..~

"What are they?" You asked, feeling your tummy pool with heat.

"The questions are about your behavior these last few weeks. Months, even. I've noticed this.. change in you recently."

Oh Gods, he doesn't know, does he?!

"W-What kind?" Your voice was weak, knuckles turning white as you pinched your forearm. He couldn't possibly know, right?!

You had made sure that it wasn't obvious that something in your chest stirred for the king of curses. Keeping it to yourself and leaving the confusingly dirty thoughts of him locked away in the secrecy of your room. You always made sure that even the moments you spent alone together were always filled with the constant thumping of your own heart.

And even if Sukuna knew something, you could always deny it, right?!

As you took a breath, you finally let the words of Sukuna Ryomen fill your ears as you stood at the foot of the stairs.

"I've been wondering.. are you afraid of me?"


"Afraid of you?" You questioned, actually feeling confused for once in this temple you called home.

"Yes." Sukuna continued, flicking his wrist as he waved his hand around. "As you know, being as malevolent as I am, I tend to find comfort in knowing that others find me horrifying."

You gave a nod, clasping your hands behind your back as Sukuna stood from his old pile of bones and began walking down the tinkering staircase. Taking a step back to give him room, you watched as he continued descending the stairs as he spoke.

"But for some reason, seeing your behavior has me thinking about things differently. Sure, seeing your horrified expression when I mean real harm is adorable, but I don't wish any actual hate towards you despite our rocky start. As your master, I want you to be safe and well taken care of."

Taken aback by Sukuna's kindness, you swallow a thick glob of saliva that had collected in your throat before the curse got closer. The sudden closeness flustering you and making you look down at your feet, squeezing your hands slightly as a blush tinted your cheeks.

Lost Lamb /True form! Sukuna x fem!reader/ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now