· A New Sensation ·

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After a full year and a half of staying at the shrine, you could remember and do things like it was your bread and butter. Sometimes, you surprised even yourself with the things you knew and had learned being there.

Honestly, you were amazed that Sukuna let you live this long.

“Well, if you weren’t so useful, I’d have done it long ago.” Is what you remembered him saying when you asked.

Though, in his heart of hearts, Sukuna probably wouldn’t have.

You didn’t know this, but he had grown attached to you. Having you wake him every morning for breakfast or some event he promised to take you, it was probably the highlight of his day. Small touches, gentle voices; the things that he adored from sun up to sun down.

But today, you didn’t come and wake him up like you normally did and it unnerved him. Though he wanted his mind to be focused on the loose cursed spirit, it was plagued with images of you and your stupidly sweet face.

Your smile, your cute eyes; things Sukuna didn’t need to be so hyper fixated on, but he was.

Getting up and taking a bath without you there waiting on him felt off, now that it was part of his routine. So, once he was finished with his clothing and contemplation of the day, Sukuna went on a search for you. He grabbed his staff beforehand though, as he entered his room for a moment and then headed towards the kitchen.

“Uraume,” Sukuna’s voice rang from the end of the kitchen’s hallway, startling the poor monk as he stepped into the room.

He was rather tall to be in the actual area, seeing as he wasn’t technically meant to be there but (much to Uraume’s surprise), was there anyway regardless. When he was looking for something, he didn’t really stop to take in what he was actually doing.

In all honesty, he probably thought he was just doing this to make sure you didn’t run off.

“Uh, yes, Master?” The small monk asked, patting the flour on their uniform off and looking up at the large cursed spirit. “What’s the problem?”

“Where’s Y/n?” Sukuna asked, very straightforward. “She didn’t wake me up this morning; where is she?”

Uraume, being themselves, smirked and lowered their face. Chuckling and when finally composed, motioned outside and grabbed the plate full of baked goods and some light meat snacks.

“She’s out at the hot springs cleaning. If you want, you can eat and then go see her.”

Sukuna being a petty bastard, snorted at this and turned, heading towards the springs in search of you. Under the guise that you shouldn’t be there working when you haven’t even had food, when in reality, he was just making sure you were safe.

If you didn’t feel like eating, he didn’t care, he just didn’t want you to be hurt or kidnapped. Things like raiders didn’t care whether they kidnapped a cursed spirits maid or an emperors, they needed women for rather... dark things.

And with this new curse that manifested nearby, without a tracker on it, Sukuna was a tad worried that it was going to come to attack his home. Newly formed cursed beings like them tended to come after him for power, seeing as he is the most powerful soul for miles, and tried to destroy him only to fail.

But with a mortal around, Sukuna’s playing with death.

Now, the Sukuna from a year ago would’ve been happy that you had died without your worries on his mind. But with how he is now, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself, knowing he could’ve stopped it long ago.

Lost Lamb /True form! Sukuna x fem!reader/ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now