· The Urge for His Touch ·

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Even during the meeting with a local village chief, Sukuna held you close. Laying your small frame in his lap as the women and men of the small group stared in awe. They looked so confused to see that someone was closer to Sukuna than before, even if they didn't know you, it was a shock.

Though, no matter the stares or the confusion, Sukuna was happy.

He was with a love that he doubted would dare burn out. Your small, soft, plump body and heart would be all he needed in his mind. Money and fame, even if it was mostly of fear, was nothing compared to the smiles and laughs you had. You were his precious little treasure, his little Queen of Curses.

Sukuna knew that you'd be a target eventually. That someone would want you dead. Though, there was little to worry about. Sukuna had taken on thousands of men before and killed them with the flick of a wrist. He was able to be your shield, your sword, and your army.

As the group of surprised humans left, Sukuna's attention left his daily life and focused on you and you alone. Your eyes quickly locked with his, Sukuna's heartbeat escalating while Sukuna smirked.

"Have your eyes been on me this whole time, little human?" He teased, watching color burn your cute cheeks. Your embarrassment was so amusing and sweet, he'd never get enough.

"Oh.. don't go getting all red on me. I'm not even being that much of a tease."

"W-Well, it's kind of hard to when you look at me like that," You retorted, your small kick of the feet as you swayed side to side in his lap.

This made Sukuna's coy smirk broaden, nibbling on his lower lip as he pinched your chin with ease. "It's hard to not look at you this way. You've captivated me in a tight embrace, so don't get all snippy with me when I want to admire you."

"I.." You were stunned, your small fingers trying to wrap around Sukuna's wrist as you tried to come up with a reply. "Uh.."

"Besides," Sukuna said, beating you to the punch and releasing his hold on your chin. Leaning back in his large throne and smiling down at you with that conceding grin he always wore when he felt proud.

"Don't act like you don't stare at me while I'm in the springs. You're a little pervert, aren't you?"

"Ah, stop!" You yelped, a feeling of warmth enveloped your face as you tried to hide behind your hands. "I'm not a pervert!"

Sukuna's laugh echoed throughout the throne room, making your embarrassment that much worse and you fell forward onto his chest and whined. Feeling your warm cheek pressed against his chest, Sukuna felt more like the pervert.

The thoughts that always threatened to surface at the wrong times sprouted. Wondering if you'd hold him this tight if you were both alone together and under the right circumstances. If your eyes flutter open to look at him with the same hot blush on your cheeks with tears in your eyes.

As more thoughts swirled in his dirty cursed head, you began to stand and snapped your fingers in front of his face.

"Sukuna?" You said, gaining his attention for the next three seconds and sighing. "I'm going to go help Uraume prepare lunch. I'll see you soon, okay? Go get in the showers while you have the chance too!"

And with that, you left. Leaving Sukuna alone to deal with the mass that has grown in his lap. How could he? You were probably being poked by his erection that whole time because he couldn't help but tease and think about you..

..He was such a lost cause.

Sukuna quickly made his way to the showers and started a warm bath, knowing that all he'd really use the bath for was fuel for his imagination. Once the warm water was high enough and the curtains were drawn back, Sukuna sat quickly and slowly let his mind drift back to his imagination.

As Sukuna dealt with his problems, you began to make yourself a small snack for later since you had finished making food with Uraume.

The main dish for lunch was a large roasted pig with a full salad underneath, complete with tomatoes, carrots, and other assorted vegetables. The side dishes were mostly seafood and western based, some fried curry and a few small pies that you had heard about from the villages before coming home. Purchasing them was hopefully a good idea, since apple and strawberry pie sounded amazing.

"Y/n, can you grab the main dish and take it to the dining room?" Uraume's voice echoed from down the kitchen's hallway.

"Yes!" You said, quickly finishing your snack and putting a small bag with them into your pocket. Picking up the large plate, you made sure to be as careful, but as quick as possible.

Entering the dining room and placing the large animal in the middle of the table like it was traditional. Soon getting the smaller side dishes circling around it and placing Sukuna's special plate and chopsticks, along with his cup full of sake down next to his utensils. After that, you excused yourself from the room and headed towards Sukuna's.

Trying to find him for lunch was normally an easy task, seeing as he should be done and waiting in the bedroom like normal. But he wasn't when in there, sitting on his monster of a bed, which got you a little confused.

Where was he?

Though, as you waited and continued to look around Sukuna's room, there was a creak from its entrance and the man in question poked his head in. Your small form being the first thing he spotted inside wasn't what he expected. Little you wasn't the first thing he wanted to see after what he had just done, even if it was because of you and that was the only thought in his mind.

"Oh, Sukuna," You said, a sigh leaving you as you smiled. "I was worried. Lunch is ready; Uraume and I are getting everything sorted in the dining hall. Come join us when you're dressed."

Don't think about his chest! Don't think about his hair either!

Throughout that lunch, and later dinner, your brain was consumed with other matters. While you sat and ate, listening to the background noise of Sukuna and Uraume's voices, your mind swirled with images of your former master.

They normally came in the middle of the night and left you confused and warm. Sitting in your bed wondering why you thought of Sukuna's hands grazing your hips and squeezing like you've been claimed. Having those narrowed maroon eyes looking down at you like you were the only thing that mattered.

And then he'd rub your middles against each other..


You blinked a few times, seeing Sukuna's worried expression as he snapped a final time. "This is the second time that you've let your mind drift.. are you ok?"

You gave a nod, feeling your cheeks warm and heat up. How could you have such lewd thoughts while you sat next to him!?

As embarrassed as you were, you continued your day as if nothing was happening. Completely ignoring the lewd images of Sukuna and keeping yourself busy with reading and writing. Only one problem.

Reading romance made things worse.

Especially the dirty scene that you read through for one you wanted to finish a week ago. There was another 'sex' part, even though you didn't understand that yet, and your mind replayed to Uraume. The conversation about love and sex, and how you do it with your partner.

Months had gone by when you asked them about sex again. And within those months, you and Sukuna had gotten closer and closer. Hugs and cuddling were almost daily and hanging out in the garden was a pastime for you both. Taking care of the flowers together and eventually Sukuna gathered the courage to ask you to his room.

You hadn't been to his room other than to wake him up and to lay with him and talk sometimes. It wasn't all the time, but it was enough to be comfortable and so that it wasn't awkward for the both of you. But today was different. Sukuna seemed more touchy even though he never acknowledged his own behavior and behaved as if grabbing your hips was normal.

Squeezing them and flustering you to no end. Making you feel warm and fuzzy, but also with a wanting in your gut. How could he make this small action have such an impact on you?

As you finished making Sukuna's bed and laid down for rest, your mind swirled and flooded with thoughts and ideas. And as your eyes began to close, and your mind began to drift off, you wondered..

What could you do to make Sukuna want this too..?

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Lost Lamb /True form! Sukuna x fem!reader/ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now