· Village Travels: Prt.2 ·

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With a nod, Sukuna reached a large hand out and retrieved the small pouch of money he had given you prior. He opened it with a few flicks of his nail to which a slightly raised brow made your body jolt.

“You barely spent any.” He muttered, flickering his eyes up to your small form. “Why?”

“I didn’t want to spend too much and upset you, Master.” You responded, lifting up the yukata you had bought and carrying it in your free arm.


Shrugging his shoulders, he put the small bag in its original place in his sleeve and headed towards the exit. Heading down the path you had followed, you stumbled behind the large male and carefully made sure you didn’t drop a thing.

“Are you okay back there?” An amused chuckle left Sukuna’s lips as he looked over his shoulder at you.

You nodded, muttering a small ‘yes’ as he continued to watch your little struggles. Rolling his eyes, he turned his attention back to the swarming crowd in front of him and waited for you to catch up.

“Why did you stop?” You asked, but yelped once again when you felt a strong bicep press into your waist and lift you up to an equally strong shoulder.

“This is only happening once, so don’t get used to it.”

Holding the items away from Sukuna’s field of vision, you enjoyed your small ride through the crowd of people as they stopped and stared. Soon making it through, Sukuna knelt down just enough for you to jump off his shoulder and onto the ground safely.

The edge of the forest lies before you like before, turning to look up at Sukuna, who towered over you up close. He stepped around you, leading the way yet again to your home, pushing branches and random bushes away from the path as he leveled out the ground.

“Why are you doing tha- ow!" Holding your nose, you rubbed the new mark on your face from a stray branch.

“Haha!” Sukuna laughed, covering his mouth to calm the chuckles and giggles that flustered you.

Not speaking back to him, you just gently massaged the injury until your eyes were brought back up to Sukuna.

“I’m trying to make it a little easier to get to the village.” He answered, breaking off a branch and tossing it into the woods somewhere.


Silence found you both again as you made your way back to the temple, hearing the familiar sound of the calm river a little ways off after some time. Your eyes landing on the path, seeing the soft leaves that made the small crunch sound that would satisfy your nerves.

“Hey, is there any more in that basket Uraume gave you?” Sukuna asked, his lower right arm came up behind him. “My stomach is growling constantly, I need to stop it.”

Quickly, you reached into the basket and pulled out one of the meat packages and ripped it open. Lifting the cooked meat up to Sukuna’s hand and placing it into his palm. Recoiling his hand, he lifted the meat to his lips and began to eat it.

“Is it enjoyable?” You asked, closing the lid and discarding the wrappings into the nearly empty basket.

“Yes, thank you.”

Reaching the shrine, you looked up at the dark building. The dark reds and blues seem unnatural against the foliage and trees that surround the home. Heading inside, you listened to the long echo of the door closing before the final slam made you jump.

“Hand me that.” Sukuna said, gesturing to the yukata. “I’ll take this to my room and you take this.”

Sukuna opened your small basket and dropped some of the food inside and handed you the rest. Leaving you alone, he headed off to his room to probably try on his new clothes.

Lost Lamb /True form! Sukuna x fem!reader/ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now