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It was 8 am and I woke up due to my alarm blaring into my ear, as well as Mateo shaking the living life out of me.

"Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!"

"Mate, give me a second I'm getting up." I replied trying to shake him off of me.

"Papi already took your suitcase down into the car, you just have to get changed and come down."

"Okay, I'll be there in a second, you can wait in here if you want." Mate replied with a mhm and rolled into my bed. I picked up my clothes from my desk and walked into my bathroom. 

I changed into a pair on a pair of white sweats and tank top, and a green zip up. Then I just added my everyday jewelry being my little hoops, (which were the only earrings I still take off) my cross and name necklace, and then a few rings, all which were gold. 

I then finished brushing my teeth and putting my hair into a pony tail, then packing it all into my bag. 

"Okay Mate, I'm finished let's go down." I picked him up from my bed knowing he wouldn't have gotten up if not. I picked up my bag and walked down stairs. 

I put Mateo down next to the car and went inside really quickly to find if I left anything else. Once I did a quick circle around the house, I went back outside to see my family all waiting inside the house. I walked over to my seat and got in.

"Estas lista hija?"

"Si, let's go home." I replied. Mateo pulled on my arm until I pulled him on my lap and rubbed him back. The car ride to the airport wasn't too long so I just listened to music as I looked out the window. Mateo had already fallen asleep as well as Ciro, and Thiago was playing games on pa's phone.

Around fifteen minutes later, pa announced we had arrived so I picked Mateo up so he wouldn't wake up and picked up my bag as well. 

Getting onto the plane was easy since we had a private jet. We did the usual being getting settled down then talking to the pilot about how long the flight would last and a few other things. Then we all settled down in our preferred spots, and I decided to take a nap even if it was only a two hour flight.


Papa woke me up when we landed. I got up and picked up my bag and walked out since the boys had all already woken up and gotten off. 

Since we had lived in Spain for such a long time, and papa was certain we'd come back to live here when he retired, we hadn't sold the house or cars, or about anything else we used while living her. 

It was about an hour car ride to the house, where I decided that once everyone had settled down, I would go over to my apartment. I still had my car here, a Black BMW 335i, so I wasn't worried about leaving soon. 

I went upstairs and helped Mateo and Thiago settle down into their rooms then left some things in my room. I said bye to everyone then decided to head over to the apartment. I texted Lu letting her know I was on the way, and she replied with a thumbs up. 

It wasn't a long drive, around 5 minutes, which was good because it made my life much easier. I arrived at the door and called Lu so she could come and open the door for me. But instead, I got greeted by a very excited looking Ansu who tackled me into a hug. 

"Okay, okay. You're gonna kill me Ansu I can't breathe." Which made him immediately let me go but hold onto me by my shoulders.

"I can't believe you're back, like I don't think you understand how excited I am to have my best friend back!" 

"I missed you too Ansu but let me get in these bags are heavy." He moved out of the way and pulled in one of my luggage's. I followed him toward my room and left everything inside, that was a task to be done later. 

"Ansu, where's Lu?" I asked, still a little confused, why she hadn't been the one to open the door for me.

"She went to go pick up Xavi, he thinks you guys won't be here for another month and knowing you're literally like his favorite person in this world he's been waiting on you. He has an entire calendar literally just to count down the days till your arrival, not even your dads." He replied making me giggle. It was no lie that Xavi adored me, he's always been my favorite too, ever since I was little, I used to wear his shirt every other game. One game would be my dads, the next Xavi's. He was like my second dad, he's been there for me since forever.

"I love that man with every bone in my body. But how'd you get him to agree to getting picked up by Lu?"

"We'll she's Xavi's niece, but we told him that we needed to go to a group lunch, and we had a surprise for him, which is all true and you're the surprise. So put on some jeans or something and get ready to go we have to leave in like five minutes."

With that I ran to my room. I knew the lunch wouldn't be too fancy since ansu was just wearing some shorts and a nice shirt, so I decided on a purple sundress with white flowers and my air force 1's.

I left my hair as is and grabbed my makeup bag to do in the car

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I left my hair as is and grabbed my makeup bag to do in the car.

I walked out with Ansu as we got in his car. He told me it was about a fifteen minute drive so I needed to do my makeup quick which wasn't too much of a problem because I had already done most of it this morning before we left for Spain. 

I fixed up my blush, highlighter and lip gloss and by then we had arrived. We got out and he told me that I would need to walk in in a few moments since Xavi had already arrived and they wanted him to start talking about how much he missed me before I walked in since apparently, he does that a lot. 

I waited around five minutes before ansu gave me the signal before I walked in. Xavi back was toward me so the okayers who were on the other side were trying not to laugh as I walked up behind him trying to scare him.

"What? What are you all laughing about?" questioned Xavi, and with that I jumped and screamed.


"AH! La put madre que te pario, no me hagas eso... Isa? ISA!"

"Hola tio, how are you?" 

"It's you? I thought you weren't coming for another month? What are you doing here? Wait, that sounded wrong. I mean I'm glad your here but, you know what? Never mind. Let me introduce you to my children." he replied. 

"Well boys, this is Isabella, Messi's daughter and basically my niece, so either you treat her well or you'll be benched the rest of the season." he said before sitting down.

I went around and said hi to everyone first and then sat down next to Gavi and Lu, having been the only open seat at the table. Xavi was in front of me, with Pedri to his left and Pablo Torre to his right. 

I caught up with Xavi and got to know the other three a little better since almost everyone else was in their own conversations.

They all seemed nice, but Pedri really caught my eye. I knew Ansu wanted me to try things out with Gavi, but Pedri just seemed to be a better option.

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now