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I woke the boys up as soon as my alarm went off this morning. They were all annoyed but cooperated either way. When I got back to my room, I put my dress in my luggage and changed into some leggings and a sweatshirt. I did mascara and blush and quickly packed those away as well. I left my luggage at the top of the stairs so one of them could take it down for me then headed downstairs to the kitchen to pick up some fruits so we could eat on the way. Mason was leaving later in the day, but he was going straight to Paris, so we wouldn't see him in Spain.

The boys headed down one by one with all the luggage, loading it into the car that was waiting outside for us. We got in one by one, with Jude being in the passenger seat since he had the longest legs. Around an hour later we had arrived at the airport, quickly heading inside. We went through all the steps, me being stressed as shit. We got done rather quickly boarding the flight with our first-class tickets. We were all wearing caps trying to conceal our faces from the public. I was sitting next to Jude who was against the window, and the other two were sitting in front. After everyone had boarded the plane. I decided to take a quick nap with my head on Jude's shoulder.

Jude woke me up a few hours later, letting me know we had arrived. We quickly got up, grabbing our carry-on's. We hurried off, making our way outside to find my dad waiting for us outside his car.

I ran up to the car, the boys following behind. "Papa! I missed you so much!" I yelled, jumping into his arms.

He picked me up, holding me tight, "Mija, I missed you more, never leave again." he spoke putting me down. He looked over to the boys standing awkwardly behind us, "Hola Chicos, welcome, and thank you for coming to support me." he said to them.

"Of course Leo." replied Jude pulling him into a hug. "It's been a while how are things?"

"Things are good. Coaching is really nice." he answered hugging the other two.

They all began to fall into conversation about soccer. I was in the passenger seat, forcing the other three to shove into the back. As they continued talking, I decided to check my socials, having not checked since yesterday last night.

I noticed that nothing major happened with the picture, minus one little thing. A certain someone had messaged me after all this time.

Pedri González

yesterday 11:27 pm

-okay, so you promise not to
move on, then go hoeing
around with another guy?

-good one Isa.

Today 1:30 pm

-what are you on about?

-I wasn't hoeing around,
I had my head on his shoulder

-Either way, you're the one in
the wrong

I turned my phone off, now annoyed. We still had a while before we arrived home, so I decided to take a quick power nap.

I felt someone shaking me. "Isa! Isa! Wake up!" I opened my eyes looking down to see an excited to see me.

I picked him up, "Hola Mate, I missed you more!" I said hugging him tight.

He giggled into my ear, making a motion for me to put him down. I had noticed the boys and my dad had already gone inside, so I followed an eager Mateo into the kitchen.

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now