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We arrived last. When we got out of the car we found Ansu, Lu, and Paulo all waiting for us outside the entrance of the club. We walked up to them then to the entrance of the club.

Once we got inside, we found most of the team at the private table we booked, while a few others like Frenkie and his girlfriend Mikky were dancing. 

We went up to the group. Once they realized we arrived, a few more went to go dancing, just waiting for our arrival. Pedri and I decided that we wanted to talk and take some drinks before going over to the dance floor. We each took five shots then ran over to Frenkie and Mikky.

I put my arms around his neck, and he put his on my waist. We danced to artists like Feid, More, and Quevedo before we got tired and sat down at the table with the rest of the group. Once we came over Raphinha suggested we played a game of truth or truth and if we didn't want to answer, we would have to take a shot. 

"Okay let me start. Gavi, we all know you were like in love with Isa when you were younger, but have you felt any feelings towards her since she moved back?" asked Torre.

"To be honest, Pedri please don't kill me, but yea at the beginning but she's like a little sister to me." he answered. "But it's alright cause we all know you do Torre."

"Okay we're continuing, Pedri, what's the farthest you've gone?" asked Ferran.

Pedri grabbed the shot and drowned it quickly. I looked over at him shocked and turned to look at Gavi who had the same reaction. Everyone laughed at him as he didn't give a reaction. The hand that he had laying on my thigh however, slightly tightened. I pushed it off and crossed my legs so he wouldn't be able to reach it as easily. He looked over at me confused but I didn't want to look at him, I was annoyed now.

We played the game for a few more rounds and now it was my turn to be asked a question by Ansu. "Isa, what team do you like the most, Barcelona, PSG, or the Argentina national team?" 

"Well, I didn't grow up with most of you, I've known the PSG team for a long time, and the Argentina team is well y'know, but I would say it's..." I was about to answer before my phone rang. 

I saw Antoine was calling me, so I got up from the table and ran over to the entrance where I found him and João, who were the only two that decided to come. I jumped into their arms, but João was the only one to catch me. He held me tight and spun me a little. He put me down and I showed the boys the way to the table.

"Guys, this is João and Antoine. I met them the other day and I'm sure that you all know they play for Atleti but they are my friends so please don't try to kill each other. I know most of you will get along well with them." I said to the team. They went around saying hi before sitting down. I sat down next to Pedri again and João sat on my other side with Anto (nickname for Griezmann) beside him. Pedri gave me an annoyed look before looking back to Gavi who was in front of me.

Gavi gave me a worried look motioning to Pedri, but I just scoffed. "Okay well to answer your question, probably the national team because they're the ones that feel most like a family to me." I said answering the question. João looked over at me confused, "Sorry, we were playing a game where someone would ask you a question and if you didn't want to answer you had to take a shot."

"Ah okay." replied João. "Let me try," he whispered into my ear "have you thought about me since the last time we met?" before backing out. Everyone was looking at me wondering what João had asked me, but I didn't want them to know. I took a shot as my face got red. 

I stood up from the table and looked at Pedri who was already looking at me, "Wanna dance?"

"Yea, let's go." he answered, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the Dance floor. 

We danced but Pedri seemed to be a little bothered, he kept looking at something else or maybe someone else. I pretended not to be bothered by it or what he said earlier but I couldn't. I pushed him off me and walked away from him. I heard him call my name, but I didn't want to go back to him, so I just kept walking until I got to the bathroom.

Once I got in, I couldn't stop the tears that were pouring out of my eyes. I didn't know what to do, I picked him over Paulo, but it didn't seem like he wanted me over whoever else he couldn't keep his eyes off of. I had my head down, trying to wipe my eyes but I just couldn't stop crying. I felt someone put their hand on my back, so I looked up into the mirror and found both Mikky and Sira giving me apologetic looks.

I turned around and threw myself into their arms, crying into Sira's shoulder. They rubbed my back and said comforting words into my ear as they held me.

"I'm sorry I just, he didn't even look at me as we danced, he kept looking at someone else." I said sobbing.

"We know we saw him and when you ran out, we followed you." said Mikky.

I told them to go back to the group that I would be there soon, and I just needed a minute. Once they left, I fixed up my makeup, thank God for waterproof mascara, and my hair before walking out. Once I left, I tried to look for Pedri, but I couldn't seem to find him.

I walked to the other side of the dance floor and found him, but he wasn't alone. He was with a girl, she looked familiar, but I couldn't seem to recognize her. I decided to go get Paulo and show him what I saw. I found him at the table and pulled him to where I found Pedri. "Sorry but I saw something weird and wanted to see what you thought, we're almost there..."

I dropped his hand when we got there, finding Pedri and the girl making out. When they finally pulled away, after what seemed like hours but must've only been two minutes Pedri looked over, finding me standing there with Paulo behind me. He immediately had a look of regret on his face trying to make his way over to me, but I turned around to walk away so he couldn't see me cry.

Paulo grabbed me and turned me to face him. He kissed me roughly, but I pushed him away, angrier now than I was before. I told him to get the fuck away from me before running over to the table. I found most of the group there, but I was mainly looking for João. Once I got to him, I begged him to take me home.

Gavi came up to me, "Isa, what's wrong? What happened?" he questioned

"I don't know, ask your best friend." I replied pushing him away from me.

João got the hint that something bad had happened, so he stood up, putting his hand on my back and walking out of the club with me. 

On the way out I saw Pedri getting yelled at by Gavi. Pedri looked over at me, trying to get to me but I just walked off to the car quicker. Once I got into the passenger seat of João's car, he got inside and turned the car on. As he was doing so, Pedri ran up to my window, begging me to give him a chance to explain, but I didn't even spare him a glance as João began to drive away.

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now