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After I got to the Atleti locker room, I said goodbye to everyone wishing them well. João drove me to my apartment to pick up all my stuff. This move wasn't planned at all, especially since I had moved to Barcelona only around two months ago. Once we were in the car, I finally turned on my phone after having it off since last night. 

When I turned it on, there were so many messages and notifications for all places. I skimmed through most of the messages, stopping on one.


-I just boarded the plane Iz.

-I know you dont want to talke to me but i need you to hear this even if you don't see it for a while.

- I was talking about you. You were the other girl I just didn't want you to feel bad about the situation. I didn't want to try and manipulate you into changing your mind so i decided to leave it alone and let you be happy.

-But it's aweful having to see you love someone else when i love you, and it hurts so bad, so when i saw Pedri had fucked up i thought it could've been my chance to make you like me instead.

-ik it's fucked up and i'm sorry that it made you upset, but i'm honestly not sorry it happened.

-even if only i enjoyed it i got a moment to connect with you, and maybe that's all I'll ever get.

-But i am sorry i hurt you, and i forever will love you, and ill always wait for you even if the moment doesn't come.

-Because Isa, no matter what happened last night, anyone can tell you two have adored each other since the moment you've laid eyes on one another.

-And even through all your little or big fights and arguements with Pedri you guys still feel so much for each other.

-Like yesterday, as soon as you left the table to find João, Pedri said that even though you had picked him instead of me he wished the best on me and our friendship, and even told me what he thought of me as a player and enjoyed his time with me.

-He was trying to get along with me becuase of you, because he wanted to keep you happy

-and as soon as he noticed you were there his face dropped and when you ran away he fell to the ground for a second clutching his chest as if it genuienly hurt his heart having done what he did to you.

-And I always wanted it to be me, but fate will always point you to him Iz.

-I'll forever love you to the moon and back Iz.

I stared at his messages, tearing up a little. I didn't know what to respond or whether to respond. João looked over at me, sensing something was wrong.

"Hey, you alright?" He questioned me glancing over quickly before returning to the road ahead.

I turned over to look at him, noticing the worried expression on his face. "Yea, just, Paulo texted me and I don't really know what to say."

"Well, what did he say? You don't have to tell me of course, only if you want." he replied.

"It's nothing big, just apologizing and a few other things. Nothing to worry about."

He glanced over at me before shrugging and turning away. I guess he could tell I didn't really want to talk about it, so we dropped about it and talked about something else. I had already talked to him about what happened during the game, and he had apologized.

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now