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As expected, the match was very aggressive, which I found stupid. How the hell are you gonna put your football career on the line because I didn't wear your team's jersey...

Anyway, to start off, the problem literally started before the match started when they were shaking hands. João gave his hand to Gavi who literally just completely ignored him and Pedri who told him to leave him the fuck alone. Then, De Paul who was behind him didn't like this little stunt of theirs I guess so when he gave Gavi his hand he squeezed like super hard to where the point Gavi folded, and then when Pedri went to give him his hand he just put his hand in Pedri's face like don't even try.

Then, the match just started off bad. Within five minutes Torre, who was finally put in a game, got subbed because he got a red card for fouling Anto. And during the entire fucking game Gavi would not leave João alone, he kept pushing or tackling him. Until at one point Gavi and Pedri both whispered something to João that pissed him off to the point he punched Gavi and pushed Pedri so hard he went tumbling. And that right there caused a massive fight. They began throwing punches at each other, João winning, while Pedri and a few others tried to pull them apart.

To say I was mad was an understatement. They were acting so God damn immature about absolutely nothing. I can't wait for the moment they find out that I might move to London to design a house for a good friend of mine who so happens to play for Chelsea, which means I won't even be supporting either of the teams. Either way they all need to calm down because even players like Dembele and Raphinha who I'm not so close with were still fucking around with the other teams.

When the game finally ended, I didn't even want to talk to them anymore. Both Sira and Mikky were a little upset with their boyfriends for also acting up. Like it's understandable to back up your friends and all but it's a football game it ain't that deep.

When we finally got down to go to the locker rooms, I decided to go to the Barca locker room really quick, where I knew I would find Xavi disciplining the boys, and I wanted to add on.

"I don't understand what happened on that field. It is truly disappointing to see- Isa what's up?" Xavi said as I entered the room.

"I wanted to say something super quickly, is that alright?" He nodded so I continued. "You guys are all immature. I understand that you may not like that I'm not wearing this team's jersey, and that upsets some of you players like Gavi, but to do what you guys did out there is immature. Yes, it's okay to back up one another but this is your career you're all putting on the line. Also, you all wouldn't even be close to understanding as to why I've chosen to wear this jersey. I was blatantly betrayed by some of you, I threw away relationships for you Pedri, but you betrayed me and then had Gavi be upset at me and yell at me. Also, the fact that none of you minus maybe Torre have ever tried to help me like I've helped you all. You guys constantly put me down and say rude things about me, even if it's just a joke it fucking hurts to be told you're not worth shit other than being a help in the kitchen." I started tearing up, "I have tried my hardest to get along with all of you during my time here, but now I'm leaving, and I hope well for all you, like I always have. I've never talked badly or done something to betray any of you like you have me. So, if that stunt out there was to prove something, all that you've proved tonight is you don't know how to control your feelings and you're immature as shit." I finished.

A few of them looked a little surprised, but mainly they were all upset yet understanding of where I was coming from. Some of them began nodded their heads in understanding while both Xavi and my dad who I didn't notice was there until I began talking looked very mad at the team.

"So, you all believe it's alright to disrespect my daughter and get away with it? Then BLAME her for something she didn't even do? This is upsetting. I don't even want to work with this team anymore at this point." said my dad shaking his head. "Before any of you think about returning to practice or even coming to the stadium, I hope you mature and give me a good ass reason as to why you've treated your coach's daughter bad. As of right now I'm sending you all on break until I receive a message with a proper apology to her."

"Coach she's being dramatic; your perfect daughter doesn't do dog shit for us. All she does is be present when we're all together then get upset about nothing." said an angry Gavi.

"Now we both know that's a damn lie Gavira, if anything I've done the most for you. I constantly cook for all of you, clean, pay, drive, especially you, listen to you all rant about one another, and get anything or provide you with anything you ask me for. I've woken up at unreasonable hours just because you couldn't sleep and needed someone to comfort you, so don't you dare say I don't do shit for you when we both know you're just upset and being irrational." I replied.

"You can't even lie man. Sir, your daughter is right, she has been doing a shit ton for us ever since she arrived. We have been unappreciative thinking about it, so I sincerely apologize for offending you Isa, I didn't notice that we were being so insensitive. I do really hope to end up on good terms with you before you leave." said Frenkie giving me a sad smile which I returned.

"I uhm, I apologize too. I've done some things I wish I could take back, that I'm sure aren't forgivable yet, but I do hope that someday you can forgive me, and we can start over.?" said Pedri looking straight at me. I didn't say anything, just nodded my head and walked out of the room.

As I was walking toward the Atleti locker room, someone grabbed me and turned me around to face them, and surprise surprise it was in fact Pedri. "I really am sorry Isa, I just got jealous of how close you were with João, and I wanted to make you feel jealous. The kiss meant nothing to me Isa, I swear it was just in the heat of the moment."

"But the kiss meant something to me Pedri. I've been in love with Paulo my entire life, I grew up with him, and I gave that away to be able to have something with you, and you threw that away. It's like I can't have any guy friends minus you because you get jealous of everyone when you don't even know if I like them or not. For fucks sake you got mad at me for texting Neymar when he's like a goddamn uncle to me." I replied.

"I know I fucked up bad Isa, but please I don't want to lose you, I really do like you, and it's hard seeing someone else make you feel the way I made you feel." he said, trying not to tear up.

"I just I need time Pedri... I gave up a lot for you and you threw it all away. I don't have anything going on with João, I've even turned him down because of you, so I just need some space, maybe until I come back from England." I said now crying myself.

"When are you leaving? Or even coming back?" he asked finally making eye contact with me.

"I uhm, I leave tomorrow and I'm not too sure when I'm coming back, it could be a while."

He breathed out heavily, as if he was holding it in for a while. "I'll wait for you, as long as you're gone, I won't look for someone else. Even if we don't work out, I want to give it a chance, I want to give us a chance isa. You are easily the best women I have ever met, and I just can't let you go as selfish as it sounds."

"If you do really wait for me, I'll come back for you. I want to give us a chance too, but I am leaving for my career, which is my main focus right now as yours should be your own."

"It will be now. Again, I'm sorry for everything, including tonight. I'll miss you Isa, good luck in England." he said, pulling me into a hug.

"It's okay, I forgive you. And thank you, I hope these next few months do you good Pedri." his hug tightened a little at the mention of possible being gone for months.

I pulled away from the hug wiping my tears. I pulled Pedri into a kiss, he seemed shocked but quickly kissed back, understanding this would be our last contact for a while. We kissed for a few more seconds before I pulled away. I gave him a sad smile before turning around and walking away to find João who would take me home.

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now