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Oh my God this flight is boring. We only have half an hour left and I still want to sleep to get rid of everyone. I've been trying to finish up some work but they're being so annoying. However, me being me I get advantages. I went over to my great protector Xavi who has been yelling at anyone minus my family and Lu, who have tried to come bother me.

Right now, I'm sprawled on the couch on top of Tio Neymar and Xavi. They talk about something while I'm just listening to music through my airpods. Everyone else is either talking, doing something, or waking up now that the pilot just let us know we'll be landing soon. I decided to get up and use the bathroom really quick.

I made my way over and knocked on the door. Someone was in there, so I looked around trying to figure out who it was. After five minutes I heard the door open, so I turned around but of course due to my luck the person walked into me, and it was no other than Pedri. "Watch out where you're going!" Okay damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. "Oh, sorry Isa." he said looking a little shocked.

"It's alright, excuse me." He moved over to the side letting me in. I used the bathroom really quick before fixing my appearance a little. When I finished, I made my way out, this time sitting beside Jude. I looked up and saw Pedri and Balde giving us a nasty look. Like I understand Pedri, but Balde?

I ignored them and laid my head on his lap. Papa was beside him, so I just laid my legs on top of him. My headache wasn't gonna leave any time soon, so I just stared at the wall in front of me trying to make the dizziness go away.

I felt someone shake my shoulder. "Isa? Isa! Are you okay?" asked Enzo, gaining back my focus. I stared at him confused. "We landed five minutes ago. Jude and Leo both moved you and you still haven't kept your eyes off that spot, you feeling okay?"

"Not really my head hurts bad, and I'm really dizzy." I said sitting up. "But I'll be fine, just a little flu." I picked up my bag and walked toward the door, Enzo following behind.

We began making our way down the stairs that led out the plane. I was walking down before I got another wave of dizziness and almost fell down the stairs. "Wow, wow, you're not okay. I'm gonna pick you up I don't want you to fall." he grabbed me, carrying me down the rest of the way bridal style.

TW- Emetophobia

(Fear of throwing up)

He put me down at the bottom of the stairs, where I immediately felt nauseous and ran to the nearest trash can I saw before throwing up. I threw up two more times while Enzo ran over and held my hair back.

Mama came over handing me a tissue to wipe my mouth as I tried to get less dizzy. A few of the boys came over to see what was wrong, but turned away as soon as I vomited again.

Gavi, João, Ansu, Enzo, and Pedri stayed with me, as well as mama and papa. They both waved away the boys, telling them to give me a minute. I threw up one more time before stepping back, finally feeling a little better.

"Perdon." I said, opening my eyes, wiping my mouth with the tissue. "I don't know what happened. I felt really dizzy and then when Enzo put me down, I couldn't keep it down."

"No te procupes mija. It's not your fault you feel sick. But I do want to take a quick visit to the doctors to see what's wrong. I'm not sure if you can go on Friday." said Papa.

"I'll be fine by then." I mean its only Tuesday, "It's just the flu no need to worry. I just need a quick nap." I said walking towards the car. I ate a quick piece of gum, knowing I wouldn't be able to wash my teeth right now.

I got onto the bus that was taking everyone to the hotel. I made my way to the back sitting next to Enzo. "Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it Enzo."

"Of course Isa, that's what I'm here for." He smiled at me. I sat down on the aisle seat. I wouldn't even be able to look out the window without wanting to throw up again.

I got comfy, knowing we still had another hour before we arrived. Everyone poured into the bus one by one. Jude and João sat in front of us while Gavi and Pedri sat on the other side of us. Gavi quickly asked me if I was okay before getting into the window seat followed by Pedri in the aisle.

Everything was good until I felt really nauseous again. I looked over at Enzo to see if he could help me to the bathroom. He was asleep so my only other reasonable option was Pedri.

I looked over at him, finding him scrolling through his insta. "Pedri?"

He quickly looked up at me, "What's up?"

"Could you help me to the bathroom?" I asked. "I think I need to throw up again."

"Yea of course, come on." He helped me up, leading me to the back back where the bathroom was. As soon as we got there I ran in, leaning over the toilet to throw up again. He ran in after me holding my hair back. I heard him yell at Ronald who was the closest to go get me a bottle of water.

TW- Emetophobia

slight mentions but the rest of the chapter is necessary

I sat back, laying against the wall closing my eyes. Pedri sat with me, laying his arm across my shoulders pulling me close. "I'm sorry Isa. You were right, I messed up first." I looked up at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I mean I'm sorry for cheating on you. I understand that you and João didn't have anything going on, I hope you still don't, and I did something that hurt you, especially with someone you cared about." Ronald came over leaving the water bottle. Pedri handed it to me before continuing. "If I could take it all back I would in a heartbeat. I already told Nicole that I don't want to go with her Isa, I only want to go with you."

I looked over at him, not sure what to say. "First off I'm not with João and was never with him. And thank you for apologizing it means a lot you're trying to fix things, but..."


"But I'm just not sure I'm ready to forgive you. We made a promise to each other, and you broke it knowing promises mean everything to me. I think I just need a little more time. By the time we get back to Barcelona after the event I'll tell you if I'm ready to try again or not, but even if I say yes say it doesn't mean I'm staying. I still have to work; I can't just leave my clients like that." I finished.

He breathed out heavily, "I understand you can't forgive me right now, and this time I swear I will wait for you, but I just, I just can't do this if you're interested in another guy Isa."

"Who?" I asked, now confused.

"Aren't you taking Mount?" He was now the confused one as I realized what he meant.

I giggled as he looked at me even more confused, "I'm not interested in Mount. We agreed to go together since you were going with a date, and he didn't want to be the only one without one in his group."

"Oh, thank god. So, you have no feelings for him?" He seemed relieved.

"None Pedri, I promise it's only you, it's always only been you even if you hurt me." I smiled. He began to lean in before I pulled away, making him look upset. "I would absolutely kiss you if I knew I didn't taste like vomit." I laughed out, him joining too.

"I don't mind." He smiled leaning in again.

"Pedri, I don't want our second first kiss to taste like vomit. That's disgusting. Let me at least brush my teeth." I said looking around for a toothbrush. He ran out of the bathroom leaving me a little confused before running back inside closing the door behind him. He handed me a toothbrush, toothpaste, and some mouth wash.

I quickly brushed my teeth and used the mouthwash. As soon as I pulled away and dried my mouth Pedri grabbed my chin turning me to face him, before pulling me into a needy, yet very passionate kiss that slowly turned into a hot make out. 

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now