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After around 3 hours it was 11:30 pm. I was so tired, but I had an amazing time playing with these boys. They decided they were going to head both but not before dropping me off home.

When we got into the car, I finally turned on my phone and immediately knew I had made a mistake. When I turned on my phone I was bombarded with messages and missed calls. I internally cringed and decided to skim through some messages and reply once I got home. A few of the ones I saw said:

-I just woke up what do you mean? Where are you Isa?

-Isa Gavi just texted me, where are you he can't find you.

-Mija please respond we're worried.

-Iz please tell me where you are, ik you're mad but please I'm worried sick.

-Isa please respond we know we messed up but please let us know you're okay it's been two hours and we're all worried.

I knew I messed up when I saw my dad texted me, but I didn't feel like responding right now I was too tired. The boys noticed my phone kept getting notifications and asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing, the team is worried I left without telling them, it's not a big deal. They think I'm gonna die without them." I replied getting annoyed.

"Isa, I may of just met you so you might not wanna hear this from me, but you should really respond to them, they're just worried about you." replied João, who was sitting in the back with me. He was looking at me, so I looked back at him and nodded, letting him know I agreed.

I opened up Gavi's message deciding he would be the easiest to talk to.


-I needed some air I'll be home in a bit don't be alarmed when i wake up.

-I just woke up what do you mean? Where are you Isa?

-Isa please respond.

-Isa where are you?

-Isa we're going to go look for you.

-Where are you?

-Please respond Bee I care about you.

-Isa it's been two hours for the love of god please respond.

-Three hours come on just say something.

-I'm okay Gavs, on my way home.

I closed off the messages and sent my dad a quick "I'm okay, sorry for worrying you." I put my phone down and looked back out the window until we arrived.

When we arrived, I thanked the boys for thanking me. I got out and went into the apartment complex before I heard João call out my name. "Isa, wait!"

"Huh, oh yes João?" I asked turning around to catch him running up to me.

"I know you're in a complicated situation, but I would never forgive myself if I don't get your number in case I'll ever have a chance in the future."

"Wow, okay then. Here, pass me your phone." I replied. He passed me my phone and I put my number in quickly with the name "The better Messi" before handing it back to him. I said my goodbyes, letting him know I'll be at the game tomorrow before heading up the stairs.

When I got to my door, I saw the light shining from under the door crack, so I was sure some of the boys and Lu were probably waiting for me inside. I unlocked the door and went inside quietly trying not to make so much noise.

"Did you find her Frenkie?" I could hear Ansu ask when I got inside but they couldn't see me yet.

"No, he didn't she found her way back." I replied walking into the living room.

Gavi, Dybala, Ansu, Pedri, Lu and a few others all stood up and ran up to me tackling me into a hug. They wouldn't let me go, cutting off my air before they could hear me struggling for air. They all let go of me and thanked the lord I was okay, then started screaming and lecturing me about how scared I left them, and I was never allowed to do that again under no circumstances.

I let them know I was sorry and that I needed air, but I wasn't alone, so I was never at risk. They tried to ask me who I was with, but I told them I was tired and needed some sleep, and that they should all sleep as well because they had a very big game tomorrow. They finally agreed and all left for their rooms.

I quickly let Paulo know that we could talk tomorrow before walking into my room with a trailing Pedri and Gavi who refused to leave me alone for the rest of the night. I let them sleep in my room with me, something we had all done before. I got changed and did all other things necessary before getting into the bed with them. They sandwiched me from both sides, my head on Gavi's chest, and my back to Pedri's front. We put on a movie and decided to watch it as we went to sleep. Gavi fell asleep first, but me and Pedri couldn't sleep. We didn't talk, but we knew the other was awake. After a few minutes I got uncomfortable, so I pushed back a little before I heard Pedri's breath hitch. I stopped moving for a few minutes, before deciding I wanted to mess with him, so I did the same movement again. He gripped onto my waist tightly this time, keeping me in place so I wouldn't move.

He got close to my ear and whispered, "Don't start something you aren't sure you can finish Isabella." Before backing away and turning me around some I was no longer against Gavi.

We stayed like that for a while, looking at each other while the other wasn't paying attention. We finished the movie and turned the TV off, staying in the same position.

After a while, I looked up into his eyes, finding them already fixated on mine. All I saw in them was pure care and adoration. And for the first time in a while, I was finally certain of something. That something was which one of the two I knew would treat me better and stay with me no matter what. 

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now