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It's been about 2 weeks since my fight with Paulo. Christmas came by and it was a lot of fun, but I wasn't too in the spirit. I ended up getting presents for everyone in the team, and they were all super thankful and it made me feel good.

Ansu asked Lu to officially be his girlfriend a few days ago, and I'm super happy for them, but now I feel even more like a third wheel.

So far, I've gotten close to Pedri, then Gavi and Torre. I could tell Pedri didn't really like when me and Torre interacted at all cause after he would get all bitchy at me which is a little annoying.

I've been holding up better to be honest, but it still really hurts. I had already shipped Paulo's present off to him for Christmas, but I didn't expect a thank you back. But it still bothered me a little. I didn't receive anything from him, maybe he stopped the delivery or didn't even get me anything at all.

Anyway, tonight the Barcelona team, along with families and all that good stuff were gonna head to the beach to celebrate the new year. Even if it has been such a short time these people have grown onto me, and I couldn't imagine a better group of people to celebrate with.

Right now, I am braiding my hair and doing my makeup. Knowing we would probably end up in the water I wore everything waterproof and decided on not to use heat on my hair.

I decided to wear a white bikini with a big green and off-white sweater on top, knowing it would probably be a bit chilly

I decided to wear a white bikini with a big green and off-white sweater on top, knowing it would probably be a bit chilly

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I matched it with some gold jewelry. Seeing as though I had around an hour to spare, I decided to fix up my nails. I already had forest green nail polish on both my fingers and my toes, so I just kept the color.

Once I finished, I heard Lu call me to say that we had to get going in order to arrive on time. I decided on going in my own car in case they wanted to go somewhere alone later.

I grabbed a change of clothes and my bag and got inside my car. As I was going out, I saw Pedri and Gavi.

"Hey, you guys are heading out now as well?" I questioned them.

"Yep! Hey, don't you think that cover-up is a little small? I'm sure Torre won't be able to keep his eyes off you." said Pedri rolling his eyes.

"I don't get why he won't leave me alone. I like him and all, but as a friend, I feel bad having to keep on declining his dates."

"Wo, he's asked you on a date?" asked Gavi, while looking at Pedri who was looking right back at him.

"Yea, but I've already turned him down and let him know that I only see him as a friend. Anyways, we should start leaving if we wanna arrive on time. I'll see you boys there." I replied, getting into my car.

I watched as they got into Pedri's car and let them leave before me, knowing well enough that Pedri is definitely gonna try and cut me off if I don't.

I listened to some Quevedo and Paulo Londra in the car ride, which only lasted about 20 minutes.

Most of us arrived around 10:30 pm and decided to play some volleyball while we waited for the new year to arrive. We played a little tournament. There were six teams. Xavi, Anto, and my dad. Torre, Raphinha, and De Jong. Lu, Ansu, and Ronald. And finally, Pedri, Gavi, and yours truly.

The final ended up being between Torre's team and my team. But sadly, the other team beat us by two points. Gavi got all mad, but we calmed him down, reminding him it wasn't a real tournament and all. Dang, that boy really didn't like to lose.

Either way, ever since the car incident the boys seemed to not try and make me nervous anymore. Minus Pedri, who I'm pretty sure I have feelings for. I don't want to jump into anything yet though, I just lost my closest friend, he'll think I'm taking advantage of him.

I wanted to go up to everyone and let them know why I was thankful for them even if I recently met them. They all felt like family to me at this point, and I couldn't feel much happier than I do right now.

It began getting late now so I decided to get into the water. I grabbed Pedri and Gavi and pulled them in with me. When we got close enough Gavi and I grabbed Pedri and threw him in.

"Oh, I am SO gonna kill you." screamed Pedri. He grabbed me by the arm and basically threw me in then did the same with Gavi

We splashed around for a while. We decided to play Marco polo and decided that since we were in the ocean, we couldn't go deeper once we couldn't walk, and we had to stay above water at all times. Right now, it was Pedri's turn, and he began getting close to me. I tried to play it well by saying polo lower but enough that he heard me. He suddenly jumped and began chasing me. I saw he had opened his eyes and decided to swim as fast as I could. Clearly, I wasn't fast enough because he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him.

Gavi had gotten out of the water, so it was just him and I now. Once he got to me, I wrapped my legs around his waist, and we just stayed like that for a while in the water. We talked about a lot of things we wanted to do together in Barca and other countries and cities that we had to travel to for games. Every time we were talking, and I would look up we would make eye contact. I would get nervous every time and could tell I was blushing, so I decided to just try my best to look anywhere but him.

He clearly noticed and decided to tease me. He would grab the hem of my bottoms, or the string of my top and pull at them a little. I didn't want to let him know what he was doing to me, so I tried my best to play I off cool.

He however did not stop so I decided to tease him back a little. I would tug on the back of his hair every so often, always getting a reaction out of him. And I was low enough on his waist to where his friend would feel my hip movements, so sometimes I would move my hips a little pretending to fix my position. He noticed and decided to stop teasing me once I could tell he was getting a little excited. However, we stayed in the same position a talked a little while longer.

Eventually, because the world refused to give us alone time, Torre had to come in the water to talk to us. Pedri had to put me down but kept his arm on my waist, even though you couldn't see it through the water because it was already so dark.

Now it was 11:55, my brothers had all fallen asleep next to Anto, Xavi, and my dad as they watched all of us. Lewy and his family, and all other players who had family separated from the group a little to celebrate the new year together.

Pedri, Torre and I decided to get out of the water to we could all countdown together. After we got out and began drying up Pedri still wouldn't leave my side, always trying to find a way to be physically in contact with me, but it didn't bother me.

It was now 11:59, which we all knew thanks to Ansu screaming it and running around like a little kid. We all got together and began to countdown the minute.












We all began jumping around and into one another's arms. Once I got to Pedri I hold him a little longer. When we were pulling away, he held me tightly by the waist and slightly pulled me in.

When we were about to kiss, I heard a voice call me from behind.



Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now