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Once their practice finished, Pedri, Gavi and I all decided to go on a little lunch date. Gavi insisted on it since he was hungry, but it was also a good excuse to catch up, so we went to a little restaurant we used to visit a lot when I lived here since we knew there wasn't going to be a lot of paparazzi there.

"How's England like? Better than here?" asked Gavi.

"No, no, of course not. Barca will always be my favorite place, but I think it was nice to go live somewhere different. It was a big change in scenery, but I think that my time there should be coming to an end soon."

"What about work?" asked Pedri this time.

"Works been good. Jude's house came out super nice, and I was supposed to work on Christian and Mason's house but they're both thinking about transferring clubs so they said they weren't too sure if I should work on their houses since there was a high chance they were gonna move. But other than that, it's great. I have someone waiting on me to come back here already.' I answered

We continued talking and asking each other questions for a while until we all mutually agreed it was time to leave. I invited them over since we were all having a good time and they agreed.

Pedri drove us to mine where on the way I invited Ansu and Lu since I missed them and haven't really gotten a chance to see them yet.

However, when we arrived, we were a little shocked.

I unlocked the door, opening it for the guys to come in, where we all headed to the living room to find a very upset looking João.

"I was right. I let you go to Spain and the first thing you go and do is cheat on me with these fuckers?" he asked yelling at me.

"Are you insane João? You didn't 'let me' come for shit, I had to pack up and leave because you were holding me back. And no, I didn't cheat on you but it's ironic hearing you be upset about me cheating." I argued back.

"He cheated on you?" asked an enraged Gavi.

"Stay out of it child." said João.

"Oh, so you really are insane? First of all, you cheat on her, get mad at her for cheating on you, you're manipulative, and you're toxic as shit? Oh, and you have the audacity to call me a child when you're the one acting like one? That's crazy."

"Isa tell your boyfriend to shut up before I make him." said João looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Uhm, can you guys stay here? I think me and João need to go have a chat outside."

They both nodded so I walked to the backyard, João following. Once we were outside, I closed the door and walked a little farther from the house so they wouldn't hear us.

"João, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I came to make sure you were being a good girlfriend Isa, being my girlfriend not Pedri's."

"That doesn't even make sense. You know I'm your girlfriend and I wouldn't cheat on you. You know I gave up everything for you João. You being jealous and toxic is breaking us apart."

"What are you saying? That I did this to us? Isa you never got over Pedri and I tried to make you want me, but you always looked for him in me so of course I'm jealous of him and I'm scared you're gonna cheat on me with him."

"That's just not fair. You knew I wasn't over him when we first started going out, but eventually I was. You didn't wait for me, you promised to go slow with me, but we rushed everything so of course it was hard for me. I'm sorry that I compared you to Pedri, but I never cheated on you, but you did. You cheated on me, and you come home at unreasonable hours and always leave me for your friends."

"I'm just trying to live my life, that's not fair!"

"And I'm just trying to leave mine João, but you're not letting me! You've been holding me back every time and been constantly threatening me. You abuse me and take advantage of me, and I never leave you because I'm scared João. I finally got the balls to leave so that's what I did and as soon as I did you came back."

"You know I don't hurt you on purpose, I can't control what I do when I'm drunk."

"Then stop fucking getting drunk!"

"I fucking can't! It's the only time I feel careless, where I don't feel compared and judged by everyone!"

"Then I don't know if I can do this anymore João. I really did love you, but I just can't keep going with you when I know I'm never going to stop getting hurt." I said, eyes getting teary.

He stared at me for a minute, thinking about it, before he nodded his head in understanding. He knew what he did to me and now I know what I did to him, but now we both knew we hurt each other and that it simply just wasn't meant to be.

"Okay. I'll see you Isa. I love you." he said, his eyes getting watery.

"I love you too João, take care." I said.

"ll be alright as long as I know I made you happy for some time." he said, as he hugged me before he turned around and walked away, leaving me there to think about everything for just one moment.


I'm backkkkkkkkk

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now