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"Pablo what the hell?" I asked as I saw the mess in the kitchen, completely ignoring the fact that's he's still at my house and probably heard us upstairs because we were a little loud since I knew my family wasn't home.

"I heard things I didn't want to hear and I couldn't sleep so I wanted to try and cook because I've always wanted to be a good cook for whenever I got a girlfriend but it's obviously not working out well and now I'm stressing out because whatever that is looks like it about to light on fire." he replied, one hand on his head while the other pointed to the stove.

I quickly ran over to the stove, taking the pan off the fire and putting it in the sink so it could cool down. Pedri was calming down Pablo hugging him and trying to make him forgot everything that just happened.

He led Pablo over to the couch sitting down with him to talk while I quickly made some eggs, toast, and bacon for all three of us since whatever Pablo was trying to accomplish was inedible.

I set up our plates and poured some juice for everyone before I brought it over to them so we could all eat.

Once we were finished and did the dishes and all that the boys needed to leave for practice, and I wanted to tag along so I quickly got ready, and we headed to the boy's place so they could get ready as well.


The boys went to the locker room while I walked over to the field and sat down on the bleachers next to Xavi.

"Hola Xavi, que tal?" I asked, giving him a hug.

"Todo bien, te he echado de menos." he said pulling away. "We didn't have much time to talk last time, how have you been?"

"Uhm, it's been crazy, but I think coming back here was the best decision I made, I mean João and I broke up, but I honestly think it was for the better, I'm excited to be here."

"You guys broke up? Oh, I'm sorry. Well at least now you only have to cheer for Barca from now on, right?' he said, putting his arm over my shoulder, joking.

We talked for a little longer until my dad arrived, and the boys started practice. After a while they started playing mini game, and of course with my outstanding luck one of the teams was uneven so they made me stop talking with Lucia, Mikky and Sira who had also joined the practice and put me in the game.

There were two games, and in my game, one team was Ter Stegen, Ansu, Balde, Pedri, Frenkie, Vitor, and Raphinha, while on my team, we had me as keeper, Jules, Araujo, Gavi, Fermin, Ferran, and Lamine. On the sidelines were Marc and Hector who were refs since their practice today was with the B team and had already finished.

For some awful reason they put me as keeper completely forgetting the if one of them kicked the ball too hard I'd have no idea what to do, so they at least tried their hardest to let anyone from getting past the defense.

However, they didn't try hard enough since the score was 2-4, and we needed to score at least three goals in the next ten minutes in order to win.

Thankfully they switched me out with Marc and Ferran went out so he could spend a little time with Sira while the game finished.

Since Marc was now goalie, I became a forward, now opposite of Pedri and beside Gavi.

The game became much more intense since it wasn't as easy to score on us anymore. Around eight minutes later it was now tied 5-5 with me scoring one of the goals and assisting the other one.


I couldn't help but watch her as we played. It was as if everything she did, she looked perfect doing no matter what. Even waking up in the morning after a long night with her hair all messy and her makeup from last night smudged on her face, she can't help but still look beautiful.

"What the hell man? Pay attention!" screamed Balde, catching my attention. I noticed Bells was right next to the goal, seconds from scoring, so I did the first thing that came to mind, and I slide tackled her.

The second I did it I knew I made a mistake hearing her scream of agony. Everyone quickly ran over to make sure she was alright.

After further inspection and a few people screaming at me, we found out she was fine, my cleat had just left a pretty ugly cut. Once I was sure she was okay, I made my way over to her, attempting to apologize.

"Bells, god I'm so sorry." I said worried she wouldn't forgive me. "I knew that I fucked up as soon as I started."

"It's okay Pedri, it was an accident don't worry." she replied, "C'mon, sit." she said, patting the ground beside her.

I took a seat as she laid her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her waist, bringing her closer. She was still holding ice over her ankle that was still red and had a bandage wrapped around it, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Y'know I noticed something." she admitted.

"Yea? What is it?" I asked.

"João never compared to you." she answered, looking at the ground and picking the grass. "I didn't notice until he said something to me the other day when we were breaking up. He said that throughout the entire relationship he felt so compared to you which is what made him do so many of the things he did-"

"That doesn't justify it." I cut her off, angered as I remembered everything he had done to her.

"I know, let me finish. He said that in most things he did I would constantly try and find something to remind me of you and I guess I did." she said looking up at me.

I didn't know what to reply so I just smiled at her looking deep into her beautiful eyes. "Y'know, I used to have a crush on you when I was little." I admitted.

"No way! I thought Gavi did?"

"Oh no, no, no. You're getting it wrong. Gavi was head over heels in love with you, and I think If it wasn't for me, he would've been trying to get at you since you first arrived back in Barca after the world cup." she laughed, not aware of the depth at which Gavi's crush on her went.
"One year, I came to visit, and my dad bought me and my brother tickets to a game. And that day you and your family had all come to watch your dad play because I would've absolutely died to meet him at the time. And that day happened to be a champion's league final, and Barca had won. As soon as they said the game was done, you were the first on the field, running over to your father and jumping on him the second you had the chance. In that moment, I finally believed in love at first sight because I thought how can such a beautiful person such as you exist if you made it impossible for anyone else to compare. Not only were you beautiful but you were also obviously an amazing person as you went to every single person and congratulated them, then went ahead and wished the other team well." I finished, remembering the impact that day had on my life. "Ever since that day, I knew that I had to try my absolute hardest to one day make you mine." I smiled. 

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now