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It was around 8 pm now, we've been at Pedri for like four hours and I'm exhausted. We've played absolutely everything we can already though. Lu and I just began making dinner for the boys. They requested some Alfredo pasta so that's what we're doing.

"Why are you mad at Paulo?" asked Lu.

"Uhm, because he kind of embarrassed me in front of everyone at the restaurant."

"Well, I mean that's understandable but he's trying to get you to forgive him, but you still won't, why?"

"Because he knew that would've upset me and he still did it." I replied. I was still upset at what he had done, he always proved to me that I should forgive him after every argument we've ever had, but this time it seems different, and I don't know why. We left the conversation there and finished up cooking dinner, talking about anything else.

The boys had already set the table, so we took the pasta over and began to serve everyone.

"Oh my, this looks so good. The best part about Isa coming for sure." said Ferran Torres.

"That, and her dad." added Pablo Torre.

"Okay guys, I get it my presence isn't the best part of my move. Can we just eat I'm hungry and tired of all of you." I replied, finally getting sick of them saying I wasn't good enough. Even if they were joking around, it still bothered me when they said things like this, I felt unappreciated.

"I'm sorry it was just a joke." said Torre now looking guilty.

I shrugged at him, "It's fine." I said, which made them all look at me with this questioning look.

"Fine I'm not, I'm going home." I said quickly getting up and walking out. I walked over to my door and went inside, locking the door behind me so anyone without a key wouldn't get inside. I walked over to my room and threw myself down on the bed. Not two minutes later I heard the front door open, so I pretended to be asleep.

I heard footsteps begin to walk their way to my room. I could tell it wasn't Ansu, Lu, or Paulo because the footsteps were heavier than all of theirs. They walked into my room, but I couldn't see who it was because I had my back to them.

"I know you're not asleep Bee, I'm not that stupid." I heard Gavi say. I gave in and turned around to face him teary eyed. He noticed and immediately came to my side to give me a hug.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he questioned.

"I don't know, all of it? Everything was fine and then just I don't know it all got messed up. I lost Paulo but now he's back and he's basically trying to make me decide on him who I've loved all my life but really hurt me, or the boy I basically just met but I've grown a lot of feelings for. And the team is stressing me out. They won't leave me alone and make me feel unappreciated and I can't tell it to anyone minus you now because if not I seem like a brat." I replied pouring out my feelings. I really needed someone like Gavi right now, someone I know will be there for me when I need him too.

"I'm sorry we make you feel like that, and you don't seem like a brat, you're right we have been really disrespectful to you recently. And the thing about Paulo and Pedri is confusing. They're both trying hard to be better than the other and it's obviously taking a toll on you. I will always be here for you Bee, no matter what happens or who it happens with."

"Thank you Gavs, it means a lot. And likewise, I'll be here for you."

"Thank you Bee, now come here." he finished the conversation pulling me onto his chest. We were laying down on the bed, just lying there in each other's comfort. I'm glad I met Gavi, I needed someone like him in my life who won't judge me for how I feel or what I decide to do.

We laid like that for a few minutes before I heard Gavi's breath get even, signifying that he had fallen asleep. I snuck myself out of the bed and walked out of the apartment. I decided I wanted to walk to the beach to get some fresh air.

I put my air pods in and played some music, it was a fifteen-minute walk, and I wanted something to distract me. I sent a quick text to Gavi in case he woke up and noticed I wasn't there.

We had a game against Atlético de Madrid tomorrow, so I knew I shouldn't get back home too late, but I needed a little time to myself.

I arrived at the beach and sat down on the sand a little far from the water. As soon as I sat down, I began bawling my eyes out. I was so tired, and I needed a break from everyone. My life changed so quickly and drastically and after one thing kept happening after the other, I guess I'm finally tired of it all.

After about ten minutes, I had already taken out my air pods, so I heard a few people arrive. I guessed it was some of the team that was trying to find me, but I guess I was wrong. When I turned my head, I saw some of the Atléti team standing behind me with a soccer ball and a few towels. I turned my head back trying to ignore them, knowing it would upset the team if they found out I had talked to them. However, I heard them begin to walk over to me, so I just let it happen.

"Uhm, excuse me who are you? This is a private beach." one of them questioned me as I stood up.

"Sorry, yes I know I'm allowed to be here, I'm Isabella." I replied, turning around to look at them.

"Wait, I recognize your beautiful face from somewhere, what's your last name?" questioned the one I could tell was João Félix.

"Ah, thank you. Yea my name is Isabella Messi." I responded trying not to make a big deal out of it.

"OH! You're Messi's daughter?!" replied another who I believe was Antoine Griezmann.

"Yea, jaja. I'm sorry I'll leave I just wanted to get out for a bit."

"No, don't! I mean it would be nice to get to know you better, since we might not get to see you again." said Joao again.

"Uhm, sure. I'll stay for a bit if that's okay with you four."

They all agreed that it was okay, so I decided to stay for a little longer. They were all super fun, and I learned all their names. It was João, Griezmann, Molina who I had already known because of Argentina, but he wasn't paying attention before, and Pablo Barrios.

After around ten minutes of the boys asking me questions, they wanted to pass around the soccer ball. We got into a circle and began volleying the ball, while laughing at one another. They were fun, and the thought about the other boys slipped my mind and the countless messages I must've been receiving through on my phone that was powered off and thrown to the side while the hours passed by. 

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now