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João took me to his hotel room. He told me that he could take me to my dad's, but I asked if it was alright if I could stay with him because one, I didn't want to be alone, and two Pedri would try my dad's house, knowing I would be there, so he agreed. 

João brought me upstairs to his room not letting go of me at any point, "Alright, we're here," he said, pulling away to open the door. "If you want to talk about what happened I'm here for you, if you don't it's alright."

"I don't even know how it happened." I spoke. He brought us over to the couch and sat us down, "The night started off great, we got to the club we were dancing, drinking and all that fun stuff. And then we decided to play a game at the table, and I guess that's where things kinda got weird?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, seeming confused.

"Well, uhm we were playing the game I told you about and someone asked Pedri 'What's the farthest you've gone in bed?' and he like took a shot since he didn't want to answer, and he wasn't looking at me when I tried to get his attention, so I shrugged his hand off my thigh, and he got annoyed. Then, it was my turn to be asked a question since I was the only one that hadn't been asked yet, but as I was answering Anto called me, so I left the table to go find you all. When we got back Pedri looked annoyed and when I tried to touch him, but he would kind of shrug me off. Then, you asked me the question and I didn't answer, and the game finished so I asked Pedri to go dance. He agreed but as we were dancing, he was paying no attention to me so I got upset and ran to the bathroom so he couldn't see me crying. After I regained myself, I went out to go find him, but I didn't see him anywhere, so I went to the back, which was like a weird place to find him, but he was there talking to some girl who kept touching him. I thought it was weird obviously so I went to go find Paulo so I could show him what I saw, and he could tell me if I was being paranoid, or it was actually weird. However, once we got there," I started sobbing, "I found him making out with the girl. And no, it wasn't one-sided because it went on for a few minutes. Once he pulled away, he saw me standing there and tried to come to me, but Paulo pulled me into a kiss. I pushed him away and told him to fuck off, and then went to find you so we could leave." I finished.

João looked shocked, upset, and angry all at once. "What the fuck? How could he just do that?" he questioned pulling me into a hug as I cried harder.

"That's what I've been asking myself since it happened." I answered.

João held me close as I cried. I had my head on his chest and he played with my hair. After some time, I stopped crying. My eyes began to close as I grew more tired, until eventually I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning on the couch, with João cuddling me but instead of the position from last night, now we were both laying down on the couch, with half of my body on top of him. I tried to pull away a little to reach my phone, but he just pulled me closer, so I just let it be. 

After around 15 minutes I felt João begin to wake up so I looked away so he wouldn't wake up to me staring directly at him.

"Goodmorning Isa," he said in his morning voice. "How long have you been awake?"

"Goodmorning João" I said pulling away from him to finally reach my phone. "Uhm only like 15 minutes or so."

"Alright, I'm gonna make some breakfast really quick." he said, getting off the couch and walking away.

I got up from the couch and put my phone down on the table before going to the bathroom. Once I got in, I looked at my reflection which was horrible but could also be like a hundred times worse. I took off whatever make up was left, not caring too much what João saw me with at this point and brushed my hair out. Once I finished, I found a new toothbrush under the sink and brushed my teeth. Then, I finally left the bathroom walking over to the mini kitchen in the hotel room to help João.

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now