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I woke up this morning a little confused. I wasn't too sure where I was, all I remember was being with Gavi at the beach last night.

"Goodmorning Bee." said Gavi from behind me, shocking me.

"Oh, uhm Goodmorning Gavi. Where am I?" I asked, being a little confused.

"Well, you feel asleep on me last night, and your two lover boys got all annoyed and left, and Lucia and Ansu had already left so I brought you to my apartment, next door!"

"Ah, ok. I'm in your and Pedri's apartment. Wait, why are they made?" questioning why the boys got upset.

"Well, it's no secret they're both like deeply in love with you, so seeing that you didn't pick one of them and come to me kinda like bothered them I guess."

"Makes sense. But I'm gonna go back to my apartment, see how Paulo settled down. Thank you Gavs."

"Of course Bee, good luck."

"Thanks, I think I'm gonna need it."

I walked out as he laughed at me. I could tell Pedri wasn't home since I didn't see him, so I left. I unlocked the door and found Paulo in the kitchen making some breakfast.

"Good morning, Dy." I greeted him, hugging him from behind.

"Good morning Iz, how did you sleep?" he replied, turning around to give me a proper hug. He picked me up and placed me on the counter while he finished cooking.

"I slept good. Woke up confused, but comfy to be honest." I replied, watching as he finished up cooking. I knew the boys were going to make this time hell, but I'm gonna try my best to try and keep things calm.

"Sorry, I left a little after you fell asleep, I was really tired from the flight, and being in a suit at the beach isn't really the most comfortable."

"It's okay Dy, I understand. But thank you for coming. I was really upset, so thank you for coming to fix things."

"No Iz, thank you. I know I said some things I shouldn't have so thank you for listening to what I had to say."

"I will always forgive you Dy, I understand we both said things we didn't mean to." I replied, pulling him into another hug. I was still on the counter as we were hugging. We were pulling away when he stayed a little close. I looked him in the eyes and found him already looking into mine. We kept getting a little closer, almost into a kiss. I knew right now wasn't the moment, so I pulled away.

"Uhm, I'm gonna set the table." I replied jumping off the counter. I felt bad about what happened but we both knew that it wasn't the right moment.

I finished setting up the table for four while Paulo finished cooking. I went to go wake up Ansu and Lu, telling them the food was ready. I went to change into pj's for a second, still being in yesterday's bikini, and one of Gavs sweatshirts.

I walked out and found everyone sitting down and the table eating together. We all made small talk, still being a little tired. Paulo was to my right, with Lu right in front of me and Ansu to her left.

After a few minutes, we were all a little more awake, having a more normal conversation. We were around halfway done when I fell something on my thigh. I looked under the table and found Paulo's hand on my thigh. I looked over to him and saw him talking with Ansu. He must've been able to tell I was looking at me because he squeezed my thigh and moved his hand a little higher.

I was trying to finish my food, but I couldn't with him teasing me. I stopped eating and looked away from the table, feeling the heat come to my face.

"Are you okay Isa? You look a little red." questioned Ansu. I looked over at him and nodded.

"Yes, of course. I'm little tired so I'm gonna go take a shower and then a nap. But thank you for the food Dy, it was delicious." I replied. I went around the table giving everyone a kiss on the cheek before heading off to shower.

Once I was finished, I decided to let my hair airdry while I took a nap. I went to my room, texted my dad and Anto a quick morning, and took a nap.


I woke up around 4 hours later at 12, and decided it was time to get up. The boys have practice in an hour, and I promised Paulo that I would take him to a practice so he could get along with the team a little better. I decided to let him know we would have to leave in 45 minutes so we could get there on time.

"Hey Dy?" I asked knocking on the door.

"Come in Iz!" he yelled.

"Hey, okay so the boys have practice in an hour, so we have to leave in around 45 minutes, is that okay?"

"Yea of course. I'm gonna get ready, I'll be out in a bit."

With that I left his room. I put on some easy make up and put my hair into two french braids. I decided to wear some black leggings and one of my dad's old Barca jersey's. On top of that I wore one of Pedri's very comfortable hoodies that I've been collecting. To think about it, Paulo never gave me his clothes, and got super pissy when I would take them. Eventually he got used to it and let it go through.

I finished up putting my white air forces on and waited on the couch for Paulo. It was about ten minutes until he came out. He was wearing some black soccer shorts and a white Argentina training jersey.

I stood up, picking up my keys and walking out. We stared at each other before we both fell into a full sprint, both racing down to my car. He won, obviously. We laughed it off, getting into the car.

We made small talk in the car, catching up on some things. He told me all about how welcoming Argentina was to the team, and how it would've been much better if I would've gone. We soon arrived at Spotify Camp Nou and got out. I led him down to the field and greeted the team.

They were all super excited to have Paulo practice with them. Once they finished greeting him, they all turned to look at me. I already knew that it was a flight or fight moment and I decided to flight.

I sprinted away from them as quick as I could. I ran toward Xavi's office, knowing he would protect me from his horrible team.


"BOYS! Leave her alone right now." he replied, threatening the team.

"Yes Xavi." the boys replied all defeated.

They all left Xavi's office, him and I trailing behind them. My dad hadn't arrived yet, so it was just us two.

Pedri began to walk a little slower and Xavi caught on, so he walked a little quicker to go talk to the team. Once he reached my side, he pulled me into a tight hug, holding my waist.

"I missed you." he said to me.

"Pedri, you saw me less than 12 hours ago. But I missed you two." I replied.

He held me a little tighter and we stayed like that for a few moments. He snuggled his head into the crook of my neck, while I scratched the back of his neck. He groaned a little in pleasure before pulling away. He threw his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in. He got close to my ear and whispered,

"Nice hoodie, looks really comfy."

"Thanks, it is!" I replied giggling and looking up at him.

He pulled away, leaving his arm still on my shoulder and I looked up, noticing we had arrived at the field and the entire team, plus Paulo who was giving me a sad look, looking up at us two.

"Leave the two love birds alone!" yelled Xavi. 

Can we just go back? -PedriWhere stories live. Discover now