The Ocean

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"Okay, the cabin has a lot of rooms, so none of those castle in the walls shenanigans, each of you pick a room, settle in, and also, put these on, I'm teaching all of you how to swim!" I ordered, tossing my back into the master bedroom before handing each of them a swimsuit.

I put on my own outfit before lathering myself in sun screen, running out to the ocean and hopping into the warm water.
"Prisoner! Where are you!" Asch yelled, and I climbed out of the ocean, in human form because my tail is a pain to dry off.
"I was swimming!" I exclaimed.

"I was swimming!" I exclaimed

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"Swi...ming?" Rhys echoed hesitantly.
"Yeah! It's where you go into deep water, but use rhythmic motion to keep yourself afloat!" I exclaimed happily, floating in the water a few feet from shore.
"Um... why?" Leif asked.
"Um... well first of, knowing how to swim increases your chances of survival, it is an excellent form of exercise, it is a skill you never forget, it increases your confidence on land and I the water, and it is super fun." I said, smiling.

Pierce got a determined look in his eyes before stepping into the water. When it reached his shoulders he looked to me for guidance.
"Okay, Pierce, I want you to take a deep breath and hold onto that rock outcropping beside you- good, now please understand that when your lungs fill with air, they act as a sort of floatation device. Peirce keep your hand on the rock, but back away slowly until you are diagonal to the rock, and your arms are straight. Now, lean forward until you face is under water..." Pierce followed my instructions carefully, trusting me.

"Okay, now is back floating. When you back float you can breath naturally, see where you are, and call for help if needed- ohshit!" Pierce accidentally let go of the wall, trying to float on his back like I was. I dove under and pulled him above the surface. The waves picked up, bashing us against the rocks before we hoisted ourselves onto the stone. The swells died down and I took a deep, calming breath before motioning for the other boys to join us.

"Noi, I promise you'll be-"

"I'M GONNA DIIIIEEEEE!" The orange haired daemos screeched, his arms flailing wildly, splashing me with water.
"Noi, you're not-"

"NOI! YOU AREN'T GOING TO DIE!" I yelled, splashing him with water. He calmed down, blinking saltwater from his eyes and looked at me incredulously.
"I-I'm not?" He asked.

"No, Noi, a starfish on your foot cannot kill you! There are no poisonous starfish in this part of the world, and Leif before you say anything, I don't care if it looks like something from Daemos, it isn't deadly so shut your shark-toothed mouth before I feed you to something that is!"

I dove underwater and carefully removed the tiny star from Noi's heel, setting it on an algae covered rock before swimming back up.
"My foot feels funny." Noi said, and I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"Okay, a starfish cannot kill you, but it might make whatever body part it latches onto numb for a little while, okay? Now, everyone out of the water, I need to start making dinner, and ai don't trust you five in the ocean alone after Asch tried to drown Leif."

"He was so annoying though!

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