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The daemos moved Noi to a bed on my instructions, and watched as I dribbled a strength potion into his mouth.

"Human, what is happening?!" Asch screeched.

"I... Noi looked into my eyes when I was... feral.... and that's one of the ways I can turn someone into a werewolf... it's the option with the high mortality rate.... fuck!" I growled, punching the wall, my fist slamming through the drywall.

"Has something like... this.... happened before?" Leif asked, emphasizing his question by gesturing vaguely to Noi.

"No...yes... MAYBE?! I don't know, I'm normally good at making sure I don't turn people! Before this, I've only had one incident, and that was a bite, not my freaking eyes! Besides, the werewolve curse have only ever affected humans. What if it does something weird to Daemos?" I asked, panicking.

Just then Noi groaned loudly, complaining that it was too hot. I rushed forwards, pulling the blanket off him and setting a damp cloth on his forehead.

"It hurts...." Noi squeaked, and my heart squeezed in my chest.
"I know it hurts, Noi. Fuck, I'm so, so, so, so sorry! I promise, as soon as I know your condition is stable, I'll undo it!" I said, resisting the urge to gouge out my own fucking eyes. I grabbed some deluxe painkillers, putting them into a mortar and pestel before gringing them into a fine dust, dumping it into a bottle of soda. I stirred it until it was even, and went over to Noi, setting the bottle into a cooler I lugged in here.

"Rayla, you've been up all night, sleep." Pierce said, placing a large hand on my shoulder. It was true; my eyelids were heavy, my eyes were bloodshot and lined with dark rings, and my hair was a mess. But I couldn't sleep.

"No, I need to help him! This is my fault!" I responded, only to be betrayed by a yawn. I shook my head vigorously before making Noi sit up, having him sip from the painkiller soda I whipped up.

"How long will this transition take?" Rhys asked, eyes narrowing as he stared down at Noi.

"Eh... on average...? Three to five days.... the transition by the untamed eyes is quicker than a bite." I said, the memories flashing in my minds eye as I remembered the way her blood tasted when I sunk my fangs into her arm.

Suddenly Noj screamed as a new wave of agony rolled over him, and all the people in the room flinched while Rayla insisted Noi drink more, treating him as though he were a fragile as a baby nursing a bottle.

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