The Burden Of A Wolf

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Rhys came into the room I was sharing with Pierce, making me glance up from my book.
"Rhys, what's on your mind?" I asked him.
"Is the process of turning into a werewolf reversible?" He asked, making me quirk an eyebrow. Pierces gaze shifted to Rhys, and I saw curiosity swirl in the cyan depths.
"...Yeeessss....?" I said slowly.
"Prince Asch and I were talking, and we agreed that it would be beneficial to our research for you to transform one of us into a werewolf." This said, and I slammed my book closed, making them both jump. I kept my head down as I brushed past Rhys, rushing into the living room and standing on the coffee table.
"EVERYONE I TOTHE LIVING ROOM NOW!" I yelled at the top of my lungs before stepping down and sitting next to Pierce, who had settled onto the couch. He put a large, scarred hand over mine, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. Just before the other three appeared in the doorway, he pressed a chaste kiss to the back of my hand, making Rhys quirk an eyebrow. Leif, Noi, and Asch appeared in the doorway, and I motioned for them to sit.

"Asch, Rhys told me you want me to turn one of you into a werewolf. Is that correct?" I asked.
"Yes. It will help our mission." Asch said.
"You do realize that the process is excruciatingly painful, correct?" I asked him, my ears pressed against my head.
"Yes, well, that is inconsequential to me." Asch said, and I put my hands on the back of the coughing either side of him, trapping him.

"And what if I turned you, Asch? Because I can bite you, and you don't know how to reverse the change." I threatened, looking him in the eye.

"Try me, human. I am not afraid of you." He said, and I smiled before lunging forward, clashing my teeth together and centimeter from the skin of his throat. I heard the whish of metal blades exiting their scabbards, and Leif held his sickleagainst my throat.

"Calm down, I didn't actually bite him. I figured this would happen eventually, so I've got to go... prepare something." I said, vanishing into the door to the basement before locking it behind me.

~Third Person p.o.v~

The day passed slowly for the daemos. They wondered what Rayla was preparing, and if she did turn someone, who would it be?

"Boys, get down here!" Rayla yelled when the sun was beginning to set, opening the basement door. The daemos followedandsaw a room they could only describe as a dungeon. The ground had a stark white chalk circle, the inside of the circle littered with deep gouges, claw marks of a feral beast. The entire room was dark, dimly lit with various chains, each link the side of Noi's  hand.

Rayla went into the center of the circle, clashing the heavy silver chains to her wrists and ankles.
"Now, I understand that a transformation might... help you research, but before I agree to anything, I feel I need to get a point across." She said, attaching a large collar to her neck. It had the largest chain, and was attached to the ground via a large anchor.

"What point, human?" Leif asked.

"Being a werewolf was originally a curse. The transformation has two ways of being initiated; one is is lethal, and both are painful, even if you survive. Not to mention, each month on the full moon, if a werewolf doesn't take the necessary measures, they undergo a hellish, forceful transformation into their wolf form, making them mindless creatures of chaos and death. Now, normally I take those precautions, but to show you a fraction of the hell you would go through it I infected you with this curse. Once the moon is fully above the horizon, I will transform forcefully. Once I have, I want you to leave the room. Understand all of this is for your safety." She said.

"No matter what you do, don't step into the circle, don't go near my teeth, and don't look me in the eye." She said, and in a window, the demos saw the moon rose over the eastern horizon.

Rayla grunted, falling to her knees, clutching her stomach with her forehead pressed against the ground. Pierce, worried for his loved one, stepped as close to the circle as he dared, listening to the alpha carefully. She bit her lower lip, groaning as her bones rolled and shifted, straining against her flashes her limbs elongated, becoming disproportionate. This shift took longer than the ones she normally did. She coughed violently, blood splattering and dripping from her lips.

Fur sprouted on her skin, and the daemos heard her muscles and tendons tearing under her skin. She screamed as a new flood of pain, like white hot lava spread through her nervous system. After five painful minutes for all parties involved, he wolf threw her head back, a long, low howl settling the supports of the cabin. The wolf lunged, her snout contained just within the confines of the circle. Instead of the calm, careful pacing, the werewolf was feral.

"We... we should leave." Noi said, and all the daemos left, Pierce sending a worried glance back at the werewolf. Though he didn't meet her eyes, he saw blood red glittering among dark fur.

The daemos stayed up that night, hearing the growls, howls, and barks of Rayla. Finally, the sun started to peek over the horizon.
"Noi, go check on the princess." Asch ordered, watching the sun rise.

No I entered the room slowly, and the demos spoke in soft tones until they heard Noi let out a blood curdling scream. They rushed downstairs and saw Noi laying, thrashing, with Rayla, her clothes torn, gaining consciousness not far away.

When Rayla became aware, she rushed over to Noi. She checked him over, studying the pale skin before her face blanched.
"Noi... Noi, I think I know what's happening, I know it hurts, but I need to see your eyes." She mumbled, and the Daemos cracked open his eyes. Instead of sunset orange, the glowed a crimson red. "He's  dying..."

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