Chapter 1

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Waking up with a jolt, I saw my clock on my drawer, and flicked my ears. "Ow. Sometimes werewolf hearing sucks." I muttered to myself, and heard Ava scolding Johnny. "Oh yeah, Ava has that interview at the.... the place." I said, my brain foggy from sleep. Getting up, I remembered it was my turn to take out the trash.

OK I'm gonna start the day right!" I thought, slipping a tee shirt over my blue tinted hair and pale skin, onto my (admittedly flat) chest. Looking in the mirror, I combed my fingers through my wild hair, and it framed my pale face, and lilac eyes. I glanced once at my wolf ears, before grabbing g the trash bag and jumping down the steps, two, three, four at a time. Ava decided to come with me, and we talked about whatever popped into our heads, when we got down, I hurled the trash bag into the dumpster, only for a shard of glass to scratch my hand.

Now I got hurt, alot, but this one had a particular bite to it, and I punched the wall of the building, causing it to shake a bit, a few chips of cement coming off. "Two humans!" I heard a whisper behind us, and we both turned to the voice. "And one can break stone!" Said a orange haired... cosplayer? They are everywhere today!

Scanning the group of cosplay guys, I saw one of them on the ground, seemingly not breathing. "AVA! That one isn't breathing!" I said, and she rushed over, while I went over to the other four, who seemed to be struggling. "Are ok guys ok?" I asked, trying to help the orange cosplayer off the ground. When he was standing on his own, I went to the next one, while I saw Ava give the black cloaked one CPR. When I looked at the cosplayer I was helping, he was very tall, buff by the feel of his arms, which caused me to go very red, and had striking eyes.

"H-hi My name is Rayla, whats yours?" I asked, and I mentally slapped myself for the stutter. He didn't reply, instead he turned and began to help a purple cosplayer up. "She's sucking his organs out!" I heard someone shriek, and flattened my ears to my head. Ow. I thought, and saw my sister pull away from the guy, very red. The white horned guy got up, and when he looked around, he got very angry. Shit. They are buff and we are outnumbered. I thought, sensing tension between them and us.

When the angry boy went over to his group, I rushed to my sister, and set my arm in front of her, ready for a fight. Ava looked around frantically,  then began to yell. "HELP! HELP!" and they looked slightly panicked. "Evasive maneuvers!" Yelled the purple one, and he drew a fucking sword! When he picked me up by the collar, I let out the loudest yell I ever have. "Peaceful evasive maneuvers!" He yelled, and the sword disappeared, so I stopped screaming. Rushing, the blue horned one put me in a tree.

Shit! I thought, and they ran away while Ava tried to get me down.

After about five minutes of trying multiple things to get me free. I looked over Ava and said, "Ava! They're back!" I yelled, ready to kick one of them in the face if they got to close. "Human! Get down, now!" Yelled the black clothed one, and I guessed he was the leader. "NO! YOUR BLUE FRIEND STUCK ME IN A STUPID TREE,  AND IF I COULD GET DOWN ON MY OWN, I WOULD!"

"Excuse me? How dare you!" He yelled, and the tree caught fire! When I fell to the ground, I stared at them. "HOW!?" I shrieked, my voice higher than most times. "H-he summoned fire?" Gasped Ava, and she grabbed his horns, turns out, they are real! Then she turned pale and fainted on me, causing me to hit my head and pass out.

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